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east anglia....where are we? North? South East?

yep, I can see why comparisons with Wales might sound appropriate (apart from the flat fens and semi-arid climate)....but this does not answer my query - or does East Anglia simply vanish into a sort of undifferentiated 'midlands' ?
i'm near ipswich and always thought of myself as a southerner, which is wholely inaccurate. but as long as no-one settles for the "right wing" then i don't mind! ;) ....still no help, soxz campanula

(ie. Not the South)

But not the Midlands or the North. So which forum to post in?
It's a question that's been raised before and never really answered. Except when you think about it if there was an East forum it'd be fucking empty, so I stopped worrying about it.
shouldn't really hold to modern administrative or electoral borders spanky, they get jiggered and pokered and end up meaning nothing. We have to go back to pre-unification times imo and judge from the early middle age maps. :hmm:
So shall we go back to before Ely was added by the marriage with Etheldreda? Or do we choose post marriage East Anglia?

Personally I would go pre-Angle and bring back the Iceni nation.
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