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Dugin's daughter killed in car bomb attack


No amount of cajolery...
I've always thought that Dugin's reputation was mainly promoted by a mixture of over eager foreign journalists/'observers' and himself to be honest. I would doubt that he was seen as the face of Russian aggression in Ukraine , there would be far more obvious candidates than that. I'll keep an open mind but imv an inside job would be plausible .
He was also an influence on some of the far right in Ukraine, Azov's Olena Semenyaka was a big supporter of his concept of Eurasianism simply replacing Russia with Ukraine in her version.

I've also seen alleged that Oleksiy Arestovych was also once a Duganist?
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He never had that kind of influence on the regime, he's useful to them in other ways, like Zhirinovsky he's a far right 'clown philosopher'.

Idk about Azov but he's always been a bit of a loose cannon, he was fired from his post at MGU (top Russian uni) for calling for the genocide of Ukrainians shortly after the annexation of Crimea.
He never had that kind of influence on the regime, he's useful to them in other ways, like Zhirinovsky he's a far right 'clown philosopher'.

Idk about Azov but he's always been a bit of a loose cannon, he was fired from his post at MGU (top Russian uni) for calling for the genocide of Ukrainians shortly after the annexation of Crimea.
Much the same about his influence exaggerated by the Western media in this article by Mark Galeotti in the Spectator.


Rosov: "Why are people in beautiful Russia persecuted for going to anti-war rallies and for speaking out against the special operation, while the evil west, during the Vietnam War, there was an anti-war movement? If our government stands for the truth, what is there to be afraid of?"

Dugina: "It seems to me that when Russia is at war, when your country is at war, there must be absolute unity. No [other] voices are allowed. There is a decision, there is an act of will, and it must be executed.

Rosov: "How do you feel about Putin's declared war with a fifth column within the country? How do you think it will play out?"

Dugina: "There was a moment [in Putin's speech] that I liked a lot, about the self-cleansing of society. That is, it will not be realized by force. There will be no purges. It will be a self-cleansing."

A special self-cleansing operation.
I have to say it’s sexist to assume the father was the target when the daughter was a player in her own right.
Oh yeah the daughter was bang on it, and much more outwardly pro putin than her dad (if that's possible)
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