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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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Poll: Sanders edges Clinton in Iowa, leads big in New Hampshire


Trumpy is too smart and tub thumping for his own good. I am not convinced the mericans are entrirrely confortable with brash multi billionare businessmen standing for president- Trumpo exudes none of the homely simplicism that has been a mainstay of succesful republicans.Trump has no chance I think. I would like to see him spunk all of his fortune on a failed campaign obviously( but thats hardly going to happen).

wrong again it seems. for fucks sake
A properly depressing read, thanks for that.
This bit was interesting i thought
"what he's tapped into is something bigger, which is the profound and visceral anger felt by so many towards that amorphous thing in Washington, "the establishment".
It was brilliantly put by Edward Luce when writing in the FT about Mr Trump's appearance in Iowa earlier this week with Sarah Palin, someone cut from similar cloth: "The more tongue-tied Mrs Palin seemed, the more intently her supporters backed her. The more the media mocked her, the more her fan base exulted. Mr Trump has elevated that approach into an art form. In an age when knowledge is a mark of elitism, ignorance is power. It is also great marketing."

Farage also used establishment attacks on him as evidence that he was a political outsider. It's hard for opponents to land punches when you take that approach, it's pretty clever.
Chomsky says vote Democratic.
Noam Chomsky......said the Republican Party has become so extreme in its rhetoric and policies that it poses a “serious danger to human survival.”

“Today, the Republican Party has drifted off the rails,” “It’s become what the respected conservative political analysts...call ‘a radical insurgency’ that has pretty much abandoned parliamentary politics.”

“Today, the Republican Party has drifted off the rails,” Chomsky, a frequent critic of both parties, said in an interview Monday with The Huffington Post. “It’s become what the respected conservative political analysts Thomas Mann and Norman Ornstein call ‘a radical insurgency’ that has pretty much abandoned parliamentary politics.”

Chomsky said if he lived in a swing state, he’d vote for Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton.

Regardless of who wins the Democratic nomination, Chomsky told Al Jazeera he'd cast his general election vote "against the Republican candidate” because there may be dire consequences to a GOP victory.
Noam Chomsky Says GOP Is 'Literally A Serious Danger To Human Survival’
It's been interesting to get this insight into the way the other half thinks. It seems they really feel threatened by "liberalism" and think Obama made it acceptable to come out as an "elitist" liberal/ commie who instead of sensibly keeping bad people (dark skinned, desperate, foreign, dangerous, poor) out of the country...it's like they think we want to let them in specifically so they can destroy our country / take our jobs / rape our women / blow up our schools. Because we hate America as it is.

They seem to think "liberals" hate the regular America they feel they feel part of. So that when they encounter something like an initiative to have more black characters in children's novels, and see it being supported by white people, they feel unsettled and suspicious. Why would a white person want to go changing something that our kind has worked to build, something safe and familiar? When it shouldn't even matter to them? Again, it's probably because of the liberal disdain for average America.

Why do liberal white people not want to stop Muslims from entering the country, even though it looks to them like Muslims are either crazed lunatics who want us all to die, or too weak and inept to do anything about the radical forces in their own society? Why would any sensible person want to bring that kind of certain danger upon themselves / their neighbors? They see the racism part of keeping them out, but think it's crazy to not put our safety first. When they see others putting the racism part first, they again just see hatred for average America, and people who want things to change...so it becomes a double threat. These people (liberals, Democrats) not only want to let murderous Arabs into the country, but they also hate people like us and want everything to be different.

Sorry if this is overly simplistic or something everyone realized ages ago, I'm just starting to get it and it's eye-opening for me. It's the reason why the more we protest and call Trump out on his stuff, the more angry and determined they get. We're proving them right. Because instead of wanting to do something about this huge looming problem (muslims wanting to blow us up from the inside / government wanting to give handouts to everyone / black people getting uppity) we're focusing on the wrong thing which is what we don't like about them (Trump supporters etc) and not focusing on any solutions, which therefore means we don't care, which means they have to get stronger and more militant. :facepalm:

In other words, it's kind of a disaster. with no solution.
It's been interesting to get this insight into the way the other half thinks. It seems they really feel threatened by "liberalism" and think Obama made it acceptable to come out as an "elitist" liberal/ commie who instead of sensibly keeping bad people (dark skinned, desperate, foreign, dangerous, poor) out of the country...it's like they think we want to let them in specifically so they can destroy our country / take our jobs / rape our women / blow up our schools. Because we hate America as it is.

They seem to think "liberals" hate the regular America they feel they feel part of. So that when they encounter something like an initiative to have more black characters in children's novels, and see it being supported by white people, they feel unsettled and suspicious. Why would a white person want to go changing something that our kind has worked to build, something safe and familiar? When it shouldn't even matter to them? Again, it's probably because of the liberal disdain for average America.

Why do liberal white people not want to stop Muslims from entering the country, even though it looks to them like Muslims are either crazed lunatics who want us all to die, or too weak and inept to do anything about the radical forces in their own society? Why would any sensible person want to bring that kind of certain danger upon themselves / their neighbors? They see the racism part of keeping them out, but think it's crazy to not put our safety first. When they see others putting the racism part first, they again just see hatred for average America, and people who want things to change...so it becomes a double threat. These people (liberals, Democrats) not only want to let murderous Arabs into the country, but they also hate people like us and want everything to be different.

Sorry if this is overly simplistic or something everyone realized ages ago, I'm just starting to get it and it's eye-opening for me. It's the reason why the more we protest and call Trump out on his stuff, the more angry and determined they get. We're proving them right. Because instead of wanting to do something about this huge looming problem (muslims wanting to blow us up from the inside / government wanting to give handouts to everyone / black people getting uppity) we're focusing on the wrong thing which is what we don't like about them (Trump supporters etc) and not focusing on any solutions, which therefore means we don't care, which means they have to get stronger and more militant. :facepalm:

In other words, it's kind of a disaster. with no solution.

The solution is reforming our media. They believe this stuff because they've been told over and over (and over and over) that the above is true. The far right has invested heavily in media companies and personalities to make sure its their voice that gets heard. There's a whole industry involved in ensuring that people believe they're victims. The other views that are out there need invest and work toward getting their views heard. It's going to take some time and money. The right has been at this intensively since the mid-70s.
The solution is reforming our media. They believe this stuff because they've been told over and over (and over and over) that the above is true. The far right has invested heavily in media companies and personalities to make sure its their voice that gets heard. There's a whole industry involved in ensuring that people believe they're victims. The other views that are out there need invest and work toward getting their views heard. It's going to take some time and money. The right has been at this intensively since the mid-70s.

true. I was reminded the other day about AM radio and how long it's been dominated by the far right. And it becomes the kind of thing where people have it on in the background all day, it has sort of an addictive quality. I think the same is true of Fox news.
I guess you could also say the same about NPR, even. Which I don't particularly like that much either, except their lighter, entertainment stuff.
A Sanders v Trump election would be entertaining
it would be a deeply polarising one as well I recon. Sanders has the taint of lenin (not at all but you know how it goes on that front when you mention the s word). Trumps a republic of gilead enabler. Not that I think it will happen
Donald Trump triumphs as hero of 'sensual and tawdry' erotic novel

Running to just 10 pages, the book opens “one fateful afternoon in summer of 2012”, as Daniel’s hero is working as a bellboy at the Trump Hotel in Hong Kong. “I come from a very small farm town in Michigan, and this was my first time in a big city,” he writes. “I was stacking someone’s tacky luggage when the door behind me swept open. My loins trembled as the scent of toupee adhesive and spray tan swept through my nasal cavity. I wanted nothing more than to turn around and see the golden god behind these scents, but I couldn’t move. I was frozen.”

Other gems include a vision of how “his ass flapped behind him like a mouth-watering stack of pancakes. And my hunger for pancakes had never been stronger.” And how “the door creaked open and there he was, handsome as ever, like a giant melting fat carrot with fake hair”, and: “He stood there in front of me, like a tall stallion. With his oily orange skin glistening in the sunlight as if he were a soggy cheeto, his hair unkempt and messy, like a gorgeous rat’s nest.”
it would be a deeply polarising one as well I recon. Sanders has the taint of lenin (not at all but you know how it goes on that front when you mention the s word). Trumps a republic of gilead enabler. Not that I think it will happen

It looks like it's heading that way.

In which case, I think there's a good chance Trump would win.
Part of me wants this, just to see what would happen and how badly he would do at actually fulfilling any of his promises (he just came out some "when I am president, everyone will say Merry Christmas" nonsense)
it would be a deeply polarising one as well I recon. Sanders has the taint of lenin (not at all but you know how it goes on that front when you mention the s word). Trumps a republic of gilead enabler. Not that I think it will happen
Exactly why it would be interesting. I think against Trump Bernie would actually stand a chance... All this I Could Shoot Someone bravado from Trump may hold to him winning the nomination but it won't in a general election. You would hope :D
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But if Bernie's the Dem choice, won't Bloomberg stand as an independent? Not sure how it would go in a three-way race.

ETA: Or is that all pro-Hillary scare stories?
You can still get 40-1 on an Independent winning, which are pretty good odds, even if it is down from 50-1 two days ago
People are literally going to rallies holding signs ironically, not in opposition but in sort of support

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