It’s greased lightnin’!hydrodynamic
Bloody Boudicca.Less Romans than there used to be.
fewerLess Romans than there used to be.
Does London have as much atmosphere as it used to have?
London has never been that friendly and has always had crime.
What about the atmosphere of the city? Is it still special?
What did they ever do for us anyway?Less Romans than there used to be.
Typeface?What did they ever do for us anyway?
It's all the hot air parliament producesClimate change. As the atmosphere heats up it expands so becomes thinner.
CandlesWhat did they ever do for us anyway?
i worked through it - helping people find their way to events via the transport system, and other problems they might need help with. And then in the evenings I was edging my way out of the closet. Was a pretty good year.Oh, yeah, London was fucking brilliant in the Summer of 2012! The Olympic Games did make London feel super friendly and fun.
Where o where is the smog of the coalfired chimneys, the gentle glow of the gaslights on Bow Street, the caressing miasma of sewage in the river, the delicious aerial bath of tobacco & TB in the pubs, the gorgeous tang of leaded fuel fumes from vintage vehicles. How terrible modern life is, how void of fun.