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Does anyone else play Victoria 2: AHD?

Look forward to it. They mainly seem to be history buffs on the forum where as i'm more just a strategy game buff (not too bothered about determinism but obv plausibility helps).

Currently chipping away at both the manual and strategy guide. Then will look into why it won't install next week. I'm liking the look of the depth in which you can tinker with the economy :cool:

What different govt. types have you played? Are authoritarian an easier ride than democracies?
Well, authoritarian is easier if you're into tinkering with everything. I honestly never got to grips with the economy, so moving to a free market democracy allowed me to wipe my hands of it. The Empire of Scandinavia never ended up having an economy to rival other Great Powers, but it made my life easier until the Germans flipped out and destroyed me, which gave the Russians an opportunity to do the same (they'd been waiting for decades for me to show weakness). Though the fallout was hilarious to watch, as I gave the Germans enough of a bloody nose for everyone else to pick on them. In particular, obliterating their navy (Scandinavia's always going to be limited for army manpower) opened the door for countries that didn't even border them to pop in and take a chunk!
I'm starting to get a bit pissed off now that vic II and AHD won't install. I've tried some of their jiggery pokery suggestions and nothing has worked so far. This is the first time this has happened to me, surely a game should just fuckin' install? :mad:
Look forward to it. They mainly seem to be history buffs on the forum where as i'm more just a strategy game buff (not too bothered about determinism but obv plausibility helps).

Currently chipping away at both the manual and strategy guide. Then will look into why it won't install next week. I'm liking the look of the depth in which you can tinker with the economy :cool:

What different govt. types have you played? Are authoritarian an easier ride than democracies?

Agreed about the history-buffs on the forum, I'm also into the games because of the brilliant and deep grand-strategy involved. Fair to say I've also learned a few things about history and economics though, although the veracity of how the model applies to the real world and real history is certainly unsound. For one thing a good game isn't necessarily a good model of what went down. Also of course there's the euro-centrism of all Pdox's games so far, which I think finds a tad too much resonance on the forum. It's partly for that reason I sometimes revisit the Civs. But even there there's way to much of this idea that the purpose of civilisation is to win, and to conquer the other. As said, good game != good model of life. I guess it's the old sim/game thing, where a good sim approaches the art form. I'd be into that actually, a grand-world sim at the level of art in being an interpretation of actual reality.

So far in Vicky 2 I've not played any of the interesting governments, which would be communist or fascist I suppose... think I've played anarcho-capitalist dictatorships but usually it's democracies and monarchies. In my current game I'm going pure Austrian School, this is partly because I'm being lazy, and partly because I want to see what Germany can do as an Anarchocapitalist dictorship. As Russia though, I beleive the state must control the Commanding Hights, as it were.
From reading the manual and strategy guide it seems an amazing and involved game, more so for what I want than EU III is (although I have upgraded to Divine Wind now I doubt it becomes Vic II). It's the needing to grasp so many variables in order to attempt to achieve your aims that is both interesting and a bit frightening. It's not like civ where you pass a length of time and you get a modifier and everything is hunky dory but it benefits you in some way. If you dont know what you're doing you sink! Without outside intervention. Genius.
So far in Vicky 2 I've not played any of the interesting governments, which would be communist or fascist I suppose... think I've played anarcho-capitalist dictatorships but usually it's democracies and monarchies. In my current game I'm going pure Austrian School, this is partly because I'm being lazy, and partly because I want to see what Germany can do as an Anarchocapitalist dictorship. As Russia though, I beleive the state must control the Commanding Hights, as it were.

After a certain level Communism in Vicky 2 becomes hell. It's great if you're a moderately sized country without expansionist fantasies, it gives you the most flexibility for micro-managing the economy and making use of limited populations. In fact if you devote yourself to industry it can even work for a larger power but once you reach the late game world power point, or if you're managing a country with high immigration or conversion rates to labourers it becomes overwhelming. Stupidly let my glorious Chinese Empire switch to Communism and spent an hour constantly building and upgrading factories before giving up.

Any Lassaiz-Faire government goes the other way, create a finely tuned and near perfect industrial base, get stuck with the wrong government and watch the whole lot go bankrupt amidst the inept meddling of Capitalists with no subsidies. Can generally avoid the wrong revolutions and parties but it's one of the few vaguely game breaking aspects V2 has, if you do get it wrong then it's a soul destroying fucker to fix. Never tried Fascism though and forget the party specs.

Nothing sends me geekier than Paradox Games...
Well it's loaded :D (found the solution incredibly quickly on steam rather than paradox forum, just had to delete cache folder) so here comes the north face of the k2 learning curve...
Well it's loaded :D (found the solution incredibly quickly on steam rather than paradox forum, just had to delete cache folder) so here comes the north face of the k2 learning curve...

Check in, frequently and preferably with screenshots :) still don't have a capable computer so I need my hit. I've even started reading after action reports on the Paradox forums, can't be healthy.
Can you not get your hands on a capable machine? The one I'm on now is coming up to four years old, and it wasn't exactly high spec when I bought it. I think I paid like 450 for it and stuck a 90 quid graphics card in it. Four years ago. It can run all the paradox stuff.
Check in, frequently and preferably with screenshots :) still don't have a capable computer so I need my hit. I've even started reading after action reports on the Paradox forums, can't be healthy.

I will try to start writing up play on my current Prussia game, it's going slowly though as I'm not playing very often. Actually I was going to start an EU3 game as Venice and write up that, but then I discovered EU4's in the works so that's basically that till Q3-2013 or whenever it's due to be released. EU3 is spoilt now that I know there's so much better out there, the trade system alone looks great, exclamation mark.
Absolutely. You have to intervene so much in EU3. In V2, once you kickstart things, it's possible to play with minimal intervention. Under some circumstances, it won't even let you!
I guess it's the amount of information you can access that makes it seem that way then. Haven't played a game yet just done the tutorials and it seemed to have masses of depth where as EU just seemed to be about sending merchants off to do their thing.
Anyone played with an African nation? Is it a pain to westernise them? Probably going to make something like that one of my first challenges unless it's weighted badly that it would never happen.
Anyone played with an African nation? Is it a pain to westernise them? Probably going to make something like that one of my first challenges unless it's weighted badly that it would never happen.

Not tried actually, I'd rather start a game in EU3 and then convert tbh, however the EU3->Vic2 converter is still a bit flaky and doesn't handle AHD or Divine Wind.:(

I've read of people pulling off some pretty impressive Westernizations though, one of the devs spoke of doing a World Domination with the Zulu, if you can survive the British then you're probably in a good position as Zulu actually, with two neighbouring Western states you can probably end up annexing if you play your cards right.
Can you not get your hands on a capable machine? The one I'm on now is coming up to four years old, and it wasn't exactly high spec when I bought it. I think I paid like 450 for it and stuck a 90 quid graphics card in it. Four years ago. It can run all the paradox stuff.

Hopefully will this weekend :D Friend's offloading one, just hoping it'll be capable given that I haven't heard the specs. Would suggest a Urban multi-player game but I suspect no one would have the hundreds of hours to do it properly.

Anyone played with an African nation? Is it a pain to westernise them? Probably going to make something like that one of my first challenges unless it's weighted badly that it would never happen.

Depends on the nation, all of North Africa barring Egypt tends to be consumed early and they're next door to an Ottoman Empire that knows they're the only ones they can beat and a load of Europeans across the Med empire building. Ethiopia gets bullied by Egypt, but as it's mountains it might be possible to survive. Sokoto would be safe til civilization but dull as hell without neighbours. As long as you can survive it's possible for any of them, can just be a long dull process if you get peace and have nothing to do but subsist and wait to Westernize. But you can always make your own entertainment in the meantime :)

Not tried actually, I'd rather start a game in EU3 and then convert tbh, however the EU3->Vic2 converter is still a bit flaky and doesn't handle AHD or Divine Wind.:(

I've read of people pulling off some pretty impressive Westernizations though, one of the devs spoke of doing a World Domination with the Zulu, if you can survive the British then you're probably in a good position as Zulu actually, with two neighbouring Western states you can probably end up annexing if you play your cards right.

True, the Zulus have a shitload of soldiers too so if they made the British sphere then anything is possible - quickly grab Madagascar, head towards the minor Asian unCivs, maintain a low profile and wait to civilize. World Domination would be impressive though. Most impressive game I read/saw was someone who took Tunisia to WP status, given the French being next door it still took a lot of luck amidst the confusing skill.
, the Zulus have a shitload of soldiers too so if they made the British sphere then anything is possible - quickly grab Madagascar, head towards the minor Asian unCivs, maintain a low profile and wait to civilize. World Domination would be impressive though. Most impressive game I read/saw was someone who took Tunisia to WP status, given the French being next door it still took a lot of luck amidst the confusing skill.

There's a brief strategy guide in the wiki that makes some suggestions for playing as Zulu.

The Zulu Kingdom is the only native country in mainland Southern Africa in Victoria 2. They are also the only uncivilised nation in the region (aside from Madagascar).
The Zulu have a significant advantage over the neighbouring Boer states in its starting army: The Impi of the Zulu. The Impi number 27,000, and although made up of irregulars, can overrun Boer armies.
The first action of the Zulu should be to conquer Transvaal. As the larger of the Boer states, and having the precious metal mines that will pop up in Klerksdorp. The Boers of Transvaal can be conquered very easily, and give more resources and population than Orange. Note that taking either of these states will improve the Zulus' literacy, from 1% to 5%. Literacy is important to ensure that the Zulu don't fall behind in technology too much.
Madagascar should be conquered before the French get it in their sphere, to add more strength to the Zulu, but avoid going over the infamy limit, so that the British don't attack. Keep relations with the UK high, and only attack if they get involved in a large war with European nations like France or Russia. Even then, make sure you save before declaring war. If the Zulu get the right technologies, they can colonize much of Africa, especially if Britain is pushed out of the picture.
As with all uncivilised nations, Westernisation is a major priority so that the Zulu can build factories and exploit their resources. Cement, Steel and Liquor factories suit the Zulus' resources well.


Would suggest a Urban multi-player game but I suspect no one would have the hundreds of hours to do it properly.

I have quite a bit of time on my hands monday to thursdays although not next week. Perhaps need some practice first too. :D
Started playing this but using the APD mod, which apparently improves the game or something. Just conquered and annexed a country to the south who I had two casus belli with and slowly steering Brazil towards state capitalism.
I'm free trade interventionist. But taxing the rich as high as I can, letting the capitalists decide what should be built and where (because I'm not state capitalism or planned economy :mad: ) and then putting up all the investment and subsidising the factories that are mainly running at a loss. :D and my economy is doing fine. :hmm:

Apart from my one war and one uprising. Both times I just took out the maximum loan, increased stockpile and military spending to 100%, kicked ass and then reduced them again and slowly paid off the loan. Upper house is currently:

Reactionary: 11.55%
consevative: 52.87%
liberal: 33.84%
anarcho-liberal: 1.73%

are anarcho-liberal right wing small state fuckers?
France wants to ally with me. So, i guess I've finally made it to the top table with the big boys. Then, as soon as I agree, it informs me that it is involved in a war that it needs assitance with. Can't send troops as already fighting Paraguay so will offer subsidies instead.

It demands £900 a day and I'm already running a £400 a day deficit helping Bolivia both financially and militarily.


Allies are shit.
I think I've been convinced into taking the step into Victoria II.

Going to start researching.

Only paradox experience I have is one good game of EU3 (Divine Wind) with France. I've just wrote my experience here.

What's the best why of buying the game with A House Divided because the one on Amazon doesn't have the disc. It's £30 on Steam with AHD.
Started playing this but using the APD mod, which apparently improves the game or something. Just conquered and annexed a country to the south who I had two casus belli with and slowly steering Brazil towards state capitalism.

Uruguay? You big bully. :(

Watch out the Monroe-Doctrine, as the USCA things wen't swimmingly for my conquest of Columbia, Venezuela, northern parts of the treacherously opportunistic Ecuador and the formerly Mexican Yucatan Peninsula until the Great Blue Beast in the North came tumbling down on me.
are anarcho-liberal right wing small state fuckers?

I think so... Randbot Libertard Scum I always think. Send in the troops, crush the bastards, be merciless. Assign a Relentless Butcher to the task, see if you can make a significant dent in their population. That's always my policy on people like that anyway.
I think I've been convinced into taking the step into Victoria II.

Going to start researching.

Only paradox experience I have is one good game of EU3 (Divine Wind) with France. I've just wrote my experience here.

What's the best why of buying the game with A House Divided because the one on Amazon doesn't have the disc. It's £30 on Steam with AHD.

Great to have you on board, always good to see new blood in the ranks, what!?

There's a new expansion coming out soon... Rise to Power. Might be worth holding off till then tbf, then again why waste precious practice-hours twiddling yer thumbs eh?
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