gaslit at scale.
AHD came out recently, and I've finally got round to downloading it, it's certainly more challenging economically. First game I'm playing Russia, and getting my industry up is taking ages, I've dropped taxes completely on the rich but my capitalists have invested in fuck all, they don't seem to be accumilating any capital at all even though tarrifs are as low as I can make em and the population seems to be saving quite healthily as the national bank is lending abroad (mostly my Polish community is saving for some reason).
My Artizans have been doing a good job of producing goods up till now but it looks like they're starting to come under pressure from competition from foreign industry (domestically I still have fuck all factories). I want to free the Serfs, but Consciousness is way too low even though I've been going for Consciousness raising options all along, been really benevolent to non-Russian ethnic minorities except when being a bastard to them will result in higher Consciousness (but not higher Militancy).
Government has appointed Westernizers (Liberal, Laissez Faire) but that's not helped yet. I do like the new diplomatic system though, having to justify wars now, it's very realistic tbh but I've not kicked-off on anyone yet. I considered starting on the Ottomans, but mostly just to see if the Czar of All Slavs event is still around, don't think is though, before AHD my last Victoria 2 game was as the USCSA (that was a fun game, did quite well, annexed Colombia and the Yucatan Peninsula, Western Venezuala and even gobbled-up Korea before the US finally rolled in to close me down) in fact this is the first time I've played Russia again since Victoria Revolutions.
Anyway I want Russia to become an economic power-house so I'm focusing on that and avoiding needless foreign adventures.
So, anyone else playing this or is it only sad boring me?
My Artizans have been doing a good job of producing goods up till now but it looks like they're starting to come under pressure from competition from foreign industry (domestically I still have fuck all factories). I want to free the Serfs, but Consciousness is way too low even though I've been going for Consciousness raising options all along, been really benevolent to non-Russian ethnic minorities except when being a bastard to them will result in higher Consciousness (but not higher Militancy).
Government has appointed Westernizers (Liberal, Laissez Faire) but that's not helped yet. I do like the new diplomatic system though, having to justify wars now, it's very realistic tbh but I've not kicked-off on anyone yet. I considered starting on the Ottomans, but mostly just to see if the Czar of All Slavs event is still around, don't think is though, before AHD my last Victoria 2 game was as the USCSA (that was a fun game, did quite well, annexed Colombia and the Yucatan Peninsula, Western Venezuala and even gobbled-up Korea before the US finally rolled in to close me down) in fact this is the first time I've played Russia again since Victoria Revolutions.
Anyway I want Russia to become an economic power-house so I'm focusing on that and avoiding needless foreign adventures.
So, anyone else playing this or is it only sad boring me?