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Do you use Android's call screening tool?


toilet expert
When someone calls me, I get the option to "screen call". I've never noticed it until now, but just Googled it and found it what it does.

The caller gets an automated message, saying, "The person you are calling is using a screening service from Google. They will receive a transcript of this call. Go ahead and say why you are calling"

Then the person says what they want, and you decide whether to answer.


It sounds pretty useful for screening out spam, but, otherwise it feels a bit weird to just reject someone's call because you don't want to talk to them.

It's not massively different from not answering and just listening to their voicemail, I suppose.

So, do you/have you used it?
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Didn't know it existed, but unlikely I'll use it. It already warns if it thinks it's spam/phishing call, that's enough for me.
I've an Android Moto phone and haven't noticed it.

However I only really get called by close family and some others so I don't really have a problem to solve.
I too have a Pixel and use it all the time. I think it's only been one occasion when a 'legitimate' person actually left a message because it wasn't a spam call it was a 'real' call. All the others hang up almost immediately.
Yep I have started using it whenever I don't recognise the number. It's pretty much always spam calls. I've been part of several big data leaks so I get a lot of spam calls, like upwards of five a day sometimes.
By accident. If I know it's spam I'll hang up. I've felt embarrassed when I've done it to a real person and it's caused confusion.
I too have a Pixel and use it all the time. I think it's only been one occasion when a 'legitimate' person actually left a message because it wasn't a spam call it was a 'real' call. All the others hang up almost immediately.

I mean I would hang up.
This is what I think. Why is it embarassing, though? I think I want to use it, but this is stopping me.

People have to deal with enough of that shit in their lives without me adding to it. And it feel rude, like, well I'm screening their calls.
This is what I think. Why is it embarassing, though? I think I want to use it, but this is stopping me.

People have to deal with enough of that shit in their lives without me adding to it. And it feel rude, like, well I'm screening their calls.
Not if you have an answering machine!
Never had anyone leave a message thay wasn't silence, confusion at it turning on or giving very vague details cos of data protection or whatever in ages. Plus it's always on me anyway.
Never had anyone leave a message thay wasn't silence, confusion at it turning on or giving very vague details cos of data protection or whatever in ages. Plus it's always on me anyway.
They will always leave a message to call you back, in my experience.
I never leave messages as I hate having to deal with voicemail. I'll just drop them a WhatsApp or similar.
Which if fine, but they don’t even do that!
I hate being interrupted, so I never answer the phone. All I ask is that I’m given a reason to get back to whoever’s called. Otherwise I won’t.
‘Screening’ (is not answering) calls isn’t rude. Calling people with no warning is.

Just don't answer then or turn your phone on silent. Don't force them to listsn to some shit message.

I will call people without warning (depending on who they are) confident that if they are busy they just won't answer, like I wouldn't.
Just don't answer then or turn your phone on silent. Don't force them to listsn to some shit message.

I will call people without warning (depending on who they are) confident that if they are busy they just won't answer, like I wouldn't.
I think people should leave messages though. If they want to speak to you, they should be prepared to tell you why, otherwise why bother to reply?
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