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Do only sad losers still post on internet forums?


Gateway to the South
I mean surely all “normal” people just post on Facebook? Internet web forums still exist, but their clientele is going down hill.
PistonHeads and UKPunting are two of the biggest forums in the UK and they are full of the saddest bastards known to mankind. Mumsnet is full of incredibly sad women and transphobia.
Digital Spy is full of morons.
Urban75 is probably the best forum, but it is losing posters.
PistonHeads and UKPunting are two of the biggest forums in the UK and they are full of the saddest bastards known to mankind. Mumsnet is full of incredibly sad women and transphobia.
Digital Spy is full of morons.
Urban75 is probably the best forum, but it is losing posters.

Jeez you've been kicked off all these sites? No wonder you're desperate for attention.
I like Urban75. I don’t want to leave. It’s great. It’s posters average age is getting older as the years go by.
Facebook is dead, my guess would be Reels represents its only growth sector with Meta finding far more success via Instagram, mainly because it's aping the vastly greater success of TikTok. Forums on the other hand are very much back tbh, they're just taking the form of live-response, highly localised setups like Discord.
I mean surely all “normal” people just post on Facebook? Internet web forums still exist, but their clientele is going down hill.
PistonHeads and UKPunting are two of the biggest forums in the UK and they are full of the saddest bastards known to mankind. Mumsnet is full of incredibly sad women and transphobia.
Digital Spy is full of morons.
Urban75 is probably the best forum, but it is losing posters.

Mumsnet is massive. All these stereotypes about mumsnet just show up your misogyny. mums = stupid and a bit pathetic and ruled by their feelings.
I mean there's still reddit, which might have shot itself in the foot massively, but still has what I liked about forums over something like a facebook group or worse a discord chat, in that people will provide detailed answers on more technical/niche subjects. I think the impermanence of faster flowing media means people are less likely to spend time on a post.
depends on how old you are fella

facebook is mostly were my mother gets her views on politics from
and its an under moderate shit fest like twitter now that elon has taken over

Feel free to move over to facebook if you could put up with the endless amount of disappointing shite from people you know..
more user don't make a site better
I mean there's still reddit, which might have shot itself in the foot massively, but still has what I liked about forums over something like a facebook group or worse a discord chat, in that people will provide detailed answers on more technical/niche subjects. I think the impermanence of faster flowing media means people are less likely to spend time on a post.

Thanks for this. I will try Reddit again.
depends on how old you are fella

facebook is mostly were my mother gets her views on politics from
and its an under moderate shit fest like twitter now that elon has taken over

Feel free to move over to facebook if you could put up with the endless amount of disappointing shite from people you know..
more user don't make a site better

Thanks. I think you are right about Facebook.
Weirdly older people seem more vulnerable to Facebook’s influence.
who do you think buys the daily mail and the express

not that weird .. plus easier to slow drip feed bullshit nonsense before taking them down the rabbit hole
just look at the rise of Britain first as an example
who do you think buys the daily mail and the express

not that weird .. plus easier to slow drip feed bullshit nonsense before taking them down the rabbit hole
just look at the rise of Britain first as an example

Yes older people can be more right wing. Younger people, particularly those university educated, are more progressive.
Wasn’t familiar with UK Punting. Presumably your “fastest journey down the Cam with a punt full of tourists” thread didn’t go as you expected.

LOL. I am fairly sure just visiting that site would infect your device with malware. It has been profiled by Vice magazine.
Funnily I was just posting today online on a video commenting how 'the internet isn't fun anymore' to say that Urban (a forum I've been in since 2000) is the only consistently social place I post any more.

Social media has ceased to be social - you can't actually keep in touch with what your friends are up to because it's just algorithms pushing you stuff that has usually been carefully created by people who have the time and money to do that. As I have said a few times, I genuinely liked facebook and found it useful to keep up with disparate friend group (and I didn't have any friends or family who post infuriating shit, though must be said my dad's started going that way of recent years), but it started making 60% of my feed random crap, so it became useless.

I find tiktok does produce some genuinely interesting comment contributors - but oy, contributing anything meaningful to it feels like a massive undertaking. You can make text comments but I note they make the word limit very tight, presumably to encourage people to respond with videos, so it's only providing you content, but 'social' it aint. Instagram I can't see the point of - I tried to see if it would act as a replacement for FB (and I do post photos from holidays, day trips etc) but couldn't find anyone I know on there and it's basically like FB in terms of most of feed being algorithm-driven, the only difference is it constantly shows me the same stuff posted on different video/meme-ripping accounts so it's just FB but more repetitive.

I will also third that Mumsnet is a huge site a small corner of which consists transphobia or demented-bourgeoise-ness, and that it's funny how people will make a big thing of nutpicking the worst threads on there but not from, say PistonHeads, which I dare say has some mad or bigoted posts on it as well.
Any sufficiently niche interest has a hard core of (mainly, but not exclusively) Gen X posters still loyal to a Xenforo board, anyway. Often there are a few different boards to choose from, as with (say) any premiership football club’s online fans. I spent a couple of years away from here mainly posting on a board for chronic illness activists, which eventually became both boring and depressing, and even that community had a hated rival board.

Urban’s unusual in having a rather disparate set of organising themes, but no more so than Mumsnet, and it doesn’t seem to be populated by losers any sadder than anywhere else on the Internet.
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