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Ditching iOS for Android


Hypothetical Wanker
Well, after 4 years of being a perfectly satisfied Apple customer I'm about to ditch the iPhone for a Pixel :eek:

Never had any problems or issues with iOS and appreciated the fact that I never had to think about it.

My only previous Android experience was with Galaxy Ace years ago. And I absolutely hated it.

I'm confident that the experience on a Pixel will be fine, but is there anything I should be ready for?
Oh, and just be aware the Pixel has an EOL much sooner than Apple devices.

Google posts end-of-life dates for Pixel phones, security patches guaranteed through late 2019

Not sure about the Pixel 2, apparently the security gumf is changing, but until there's proof in the pudding, I won't ever be touching a 'luxury high end' Android device again because of the above.

I'd be changing phones again by the start of 2020 anyway. It'd be annoying i guess to get no further software updates from late 2018 mind. But when I got the 6s I though I'd stretch it to 3, maybe even 4, years use. but as I hit the end of 2 years I thought better of it.
I'd be changing phones again by the start of 2020 anyway. It'd be annoying i guess to get no further software updates from late 2018 mind. But when I got the 6s I though I'd stretch it to 3, maybe even 4, years use. but as I hit the end of 2 years I thought better of it.

Are you sure it just doesn't need a battery replacement, as per: A Message to Our Customers (£25 to replace battery in UK, visit local apple store)
Are you sure it just doesn't need a battery replacement, as per: A Message to Our Customers (£25 to replace battery in UK, visit local apple store)

Nah. Battery's ok. Performance is ok. It'd probably be ok for another year. just wanted a new phone :D ...and to do so whilst I could still trade the iphone in for reasonable £. Will actually be paying less for a 128gb Pixel than I was for the 16gb 6s too, which helps.
Nah. Battery's ok. Performance is ok. It'd probably be ok for another year. just wanted a new phone :D ...and to do so whilst I could still trade the iphone in for reasonable £. Will actually be paying less for a 128gb Pixel than I was for the 16gb 6s too, which helps.
You'll be getting a class leading camera too.
I thought about doing this, but I can't be arse replacing all my apps etc..... (and don't want to spend the money to do so), so sticking with what I know..... Let us know how you get on :)
I thought about doing this, but I can't be arse replacing all my apps etc..... (and don't want to spend the money to do so), so sticking with what I know..... Let us know how you get on :)
Most of the apps I use are free and even the paid ones rarely cost more than 70p or something. And if you sign up to Google Rewards you can get them for free anyway!
if you use WhatsApp, you can't restore an iOS backup on Android, and vice-versa. So if you want to keep your old messages, email them to yourself or something...
My only previous Android experience was with Galaxy Ace years ago. And I absolutely hated it.
I'm confident that the experience on a Pixel will be fine, but is there anything I should be ready for?

You'll be getting vanilla Android (not Samsung's additions), and it's improved a great deal recently.

The Back button is in a different place and will screw with your muscle memory.

Hold down the power button to take a screenshot

Hold the home button, or enable "hey google" to start Assistant. It shits all over Siri from a great height and I use it all the time. Try things like "when I get to work tomorrow, remind me to call Jane" "3 minute 30 second timer" "next thursday, 3pm, dentists appointment" "what's 50pmh in metres per second?" "give me public transport directions to Trafalgar Square"

If you're stuck in fullscreen, swipe up to reveal the Home button

Hold the task switch button (bottom right, looks like a square) to enable split-screen view. Pressing Home while in split scren will temporarily replace the whole screen with the launcher. When you launch an app it will replace the previously "selected" half of the screen. You can resize the split by draggin the divider. Not all apps support split-screen (usually games).

Swipe down from the top for notifications and 6 quick settings icons. Swipe down to see more settings. In *this* view, tap the pencil and put your 6 most useful settings at the top. I have wifi, bluetooth, do not disturb, flashlight, airplane mode, rotation lock. Yours may differ. Tap a setting to turn it on/off. Hold it to get to the dedicated settings screen for that setting.

The homescreen launcher is much more customisable than Apple's. You can add widgets for things like calendar mini-view or weather forecast, or a fully-navigable menu of your browser bookmarks. Pinch-out on the launcher to edit the layout. Red-X-ing an app here just removes it from the homescreen. Tap the Apps button (centre bottom above Home) for a traditional list of all installed apps. Pinching-out and red-X-ing an app here uninstalls it.
I am counting the seconds until I can switch from a Sony XPeria Android phone back to an iOS / Apple phone (which model I really don't care as long as it's Apple)

I made the change purely for a cost saving but it's just not worth it to me any more - I absolutely hate everything about the phone and the operating system . . . never, ever again will I venture away from Apple
I am counting the seconds until I can switch from a Sony XPeria Android phone back to an iOS / Apple phone (which model I really don't care as long as it's Apple)

I made the change purely for a cost saving but it's just not worth it to me any more - I absolutely hate everything about the phone and the operating system . . . never, ever again will I venture away from Apple
I'm sure all that is really useful to the OP.
Well, as it would appear that he hasn't actually ditched his iPhone for a Pixel . . . yet, you're probably right, my input could be really useful to the OP
I don't recall him asking for opinions about the wisdom of his decision. The Pixel is a brilliant phone. No wonder it tops so many reviews (along with the S8).
I am counting the seconds until I can switch from a Sony XPeria Android phone back to an iOS / Apple phone (which model I really don't care as long as it's Apple)

I made the change purely for a cost saving but it's just not worth it to me any more - I absolutely hate everything about the phone and the operating system . . . never, ever again will I venture away from Apple

Funnily enough, that’s pretty much how I felt about my old Samsung!
Well, as it would appear that he hasn't actually ditched his iPhone for a Pixel . . . yet, you're probably right, my input could be really useful to the OP

I’m still on my iPhone but the deal is done. I pick up the Puxel tomorrow. I know I’ve got 14 days grace. But I’m confident it’ll be ok.
I don't recall him asking for opinions about the wisdom of his decision. The Pixel is a brilliant phone. No wonder it tops so many reviews (along with the S8).

I’m far more ensconced in the Google world than the Apple one now, so that’s another reason...
Funnily enough, that’s pretty much how I felt about my old Samsung!
And it's definitely how I felt when I had an iPhone. I fucking hated the thing. Everything had to be done Apple's shitty way or the highway. And don't get me started on iTunes!
TBF you don't have to use Itunes at all on the desktop these days. I never have with my 6S.
TBF you don't have to use Itunes at all on the desktop these days. I never have with my 6S.
Oh, I know that, but the experience at the time was unforgettably awful, almost as bad as Apple's Quicktime for Windows. Both were total garbage and kept me clear of Apple products from thereon in.
Oh, I know that, but the experience at the time was unforgettably awful, almost as bad as Apple's Quicktime for Windows. Both were total garbage and kept me clear of Apple products from thereon in.

Yep, Hence why I've never been able to face using it since having this phone... :D

Anyway pros and cons to both systems. I'd never want a mac but just get on better with Ios than Android. I do have an Android tablet BTW. That said, I've started extricating myself from Apple's content somewhat. I tend not to buy Ibooks any more dew to the DRM and prefer Kindle. Which although DRM, is crackable...

As you were.
Is there much difference between iOS and Android in day to day experience for us ordinary users these days?
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