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Dessie Noonan

Danny Ross said:
So, Larry O'Hara, bouncer the dog, cappsy, snuffyzee, Richard White, Part 2 and all the other gobshites, you know it all do you? Having a go at Dessie, now he's dead, is easy but Demu is spot on: you never knew the man and if you had I would have liked to have seen you making your airheaded "judgments" and calling him "pathetic" to his face.

He had more courage in his fingernails than you lot have added up together (ask the fascists!), so give it a rest.

By the way, yes, I am new on here and I am posting because I object to people mocking Dessie Noonan.

Speaking only for myself but maybe you should go back, read the posts properly, stop the assumptions about who knew/knows what and take a more objective look at things. Just because Dessie was an anti-fascist doesn't make him some kind of saint. I don't recall him appearing in any real hard hitting documentary about his anti-fascist beliefs.

On the other hand he has appeared in a shit program, made by a discredited so called journalist, (possibly being used for that mans own means) in which he boasted about being a gangster and laughing about murders. This coupled with what I know are hardly the makings of a great man. All IMO of course.
Hardly accurate

As Part 2 has said, there are valid questions to be asked about Macintyre, about whom I do know rather a lot. Given I explicitly stated I didn't know much myself about Manchester gangs, and as such said nothing about Noonan, it is hardly fair to accuse me (& indeed some of the others) of 'having a go' at Noonan now he's dead. There is though a broader question--is Mr Ross saying that nobody, ever, is allowed to talk about crime or criminals (so-called) whether they are alive or dead, except from a police perspective (Macintyre or News of the World), or in the mainstream media--who have extensively covered the story already? Or is it that Mr Ross is simply 'on something' that he insults others with so little evidence. Or are we now, after Noonan has died, to get a cast of thousands who all retrospectively claim to be his bessy mates for some reasons deep in their own psychology? And so on.
bouncer_the_dog said:
I thought the main focus 'Dessie' was a pathetic idividual, his need to be surrounded by skinhead teenagers struck me as a kind of insecurity that no hardcore gangster should have.

Before you give us the benefit of your opinion you might get the names right pal, the main focus of the documentary was Dominic not Dessie. And since when did you become an expert on hardcore gangsters and insecurity? Hardly the most relaxing vocation to have is it?
Well Ok I got the name wrong. I have also watched all the Sopranos , so I have formulated opinions of gangsters and insecurity. Anyway one less criminal the better. It's also perfectly legal to slag of dead people. They're dead FFS :rolleyes:
bouncer_the_dog said:
Well Ok I got the name wrong. I have also watched all the Sopranos , so I have formulated opinions of gangsters and insecurity. Anyway one less criminal the better. It's also perfectly legal to slag of dead people. They're dead FFS :rolleyes:

Who remembers that episode of South Park with George Clooney in it?

GC: Is anyone here a trained doctor?
CHEF: I watched Hospital Room a couple times.
GC: Well for GODS SAKES MAN, why didn't you say so? (Hands Chef surgeons apron)
I didn't realise, as the programme pointed out, that Dominic Noonan was one of the leaders of the prison revolt at Strangeways in the early nineties. A member of 'Prisoners Liberation Army', as he put it. I thought it telling that as he was being filmed, a prison van passed by and Dominic raised his fist and shouted 'free all prisoners now'. He also dealt with drug dealers, child abusers and bullies ruthlessly.
as you may have seen from the documentary domanic noonan is gay. from what ppl who live in the area that i know have told me when dessie noonan wanted to hurt someone bad they would beat the crap out of them and then dominic would rape them. I have heard that the guy who killed dessie was the brother of one of the lads who had been raped. (dismiss this message if you like but thats just what i have been told from ppl who live in the area and know the noonans)
enrieb said:
as you may have seen from the documentary domanic noonan is gay. from what ppl who live in the area that i know have told me when dessie noonan wanted to hurt someone bad they would beat the crap out of them and then dominic would rape them. I have heard that the guy who killed dessie was the brother of one of the lads who had been raped. (dismiss this message if you like but thats just what i have been told from ppl who live in the area and know the noonans)

Dominic Noonan said on the programme that he was raped and abused over a long period of time by people at a boarding school he attended. He tracked down every one of the abusers and dealt with them.
MC5 said:
Dominic Noonan said on the programme that he was raped and abused over a long period of time by people at a boarding school he attended. He tracked down every one of the abusers and dealt with them.

He also seemed to use this as his explanation for being gay. Not really very insightful.
Part2 said:
He also seemed to use this as his explanation for being gay. Not really very insightful.

Considering his experience at the hands of abusers, it's no wonder he's confused about his own sexuality.
MC5 said:
Considering his experience at the hands of abusers, it's no wonder he's confused about his own sexuality.

How is he confused? He openly admits to being gay.

pissed up comments accordingly edited.
Part2 said:
How is he confused? He openly admits to being gay.

That poor Sidney Cooke, if he hadn't been abused how many kids might not have suffered. :rolleyes:

As you pointed out, Dominic Noonan 'seemed to use this as his explanation' (that he had been abused and raped) 'for being gay'.

Sydney Cooke was part of a paedophile ring, that kidnapped children, mostly boys and raped them again and again. The gang then killed them. It is believed about 20 youngsters fell prey to this gang. He was repeatedly released from terms of prison which led directly to the deaths of some of these children.
for one i never disrespected dessie or the noonans i was jsut interested in what they did and them personaly,but i wont bother asking more questions as i just get flamed
MC5 said:
I didn't realise, as the programme pointed out, that Dominic Noonan was one of the leaders of the prison revolt at Strangeways in the early nineties. A member of 'Prisoners Liberation Army', as he put it. I thought it telling that as he was being filmed, a prison van passed by and Dominic raised his fist and shouted 'free all prisoners now'. He also dealt with drug dealers, child abusers and bullies ruthlessly.

I am sure that there was a pamphlet by the RCG which mentioned the PLA years and years ago, most of us thought it hilarious btw.
how does the pla relate to, say, prop? and what happened to prop in the end - frozen out of the debate? will skim through 'prisoners in revolt' again, but i think by the end of that it was still going. definitely remember prop being touched on when we were studying politics at school.
butchersapron said:
They did a whole book on it didn't they?

No they did a book on the Strangeways Riot, and it was quite good.

I seem to remember there was some debate in the late 80s/early 90s about whether the Prisoners Liberation Army ever actually existed. The anarchist Black Cross took the view it was a tabloid invention.

The reference to it in the Macintyre documentary was certainly the first I can recall from an alleged participant.
Paul Marsh said:
No they did a book on the Strangeways Riot, and it was quite good.

I seem to remember there was some debate in the late 80s/early 90s about whether the Prisoners Liberation Army ever actually existed. The anarchist Black Cross took the view it was a tabloid invention.

The reference to it in the Macintyre documentary was certainly the first I can recall from an alleged participant.

Strangeways 1990, A serious disturbance, by Eric Allison and Nicki Jameson, covers the emergence of the PLA set up by Domenyk Noonan, who was shipped out of Strangeways 2 weeks before the riot kicked off.

Perhaps you should revisit pages 31 and 32. Hardly the stuff of tabloid invention.

Eric Allison and Dessie Noonan were regular contrbutors to the anti fascist fanzine Red Attitude during the nineties.
Paul Marsh said:
No they did a book on the Strangeways Riot, and it was quite good.

I seem to remember there was some debate in the late 80s/early 90s about whether the Prisoners Liberation Army ever actually existed. The anarchist Black Cross took the view it was a tabloid invention.

The reference to it in the Macintyre documentary was certainly the first I can recall from an alleged participant.

It did exist, for a while at least, but the new laws brought in after the strangeways riot meant that it was never going to take off, unless you were a lifer or had been lumped up and had nothing to lose, it used to scare the fuck out of the screws for years after whenever anyone wrote pla on a wall
Demu knows his stuff and knew the man well. Dessie was one of us– no angel – but hated the cops, hated the imperialist Brits, the racist scum, the anti-trade unionists the Jew baiters and the nazis. An anti-fascist fighter. Long live Dessie!!!
Sorry to drag this up again but there are a few rumours around work that Domenyk Noonan got 10 years this week, but I've not seen anything in the news.

I thought some of our knowledgable posters might have some news.
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