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Dessie Noonan

Chuck Wilson

Just heard that he was killed last night in a stabbing. Dessie was an active supporter of anti fascism in Manchester in the 1980's.
Whatever your reasons, and whether or not a photo has been used before, I don't think it is appropriate to post up a photo involving people who were active anti-fascists. Please delete this as soon as possible.

For spelling as usual.
cogg said:
Whatever your reasons, and whether or not a photo has been used before, I don't think it is appropriate to post up a photo involving people who were active anti-fascists. Please delete this as soon as possible.

For spelling as usual.

I know what you are saying, but in this instance you should'nt worry to much as the photo was taken from red watch
cogg said:
Whatever your reasons, and whether or not a photo has been used before, I don't think it is appropriate to post up a photo involving people who were active anti-fascists. Please delete this as soon as possible.

For spelling as usual.
Deareg said:
I know what you are saying, but in this instance you should'nt worry to much as the photo was taken from red watch

You might want to break the link then, otherwise we could get some of the Nazi loons over here.
yeah, linking to far right sites, for whatever reason no matter how pure, is seriously frowned upon cos of the trouble it causes the gaffer.
Uh, yeah. Linking to a photo on their site can be traced back as easily as one you click on... for reasons that would probably bore you, but trust me on this. I'll break it myself.
there is a link. when you post a picture from a website that creates a link to the website that the owner can trace easily to the site that has leeched the picture. therefore a link to urban.
sorry, i got a phone call in the middle of that post! not just stating the obvious.
bluestreak said:
there is a link. when you post a picture from a website that creates a link to the website that the owner can trace easily to the site that has leeched the picture. therefore a link to urban.

yeah, nobody likes a picture leech...

That's a good technical explanation but really the political argument is more important. Why spread photos of anti-fascists for whatever reason? I'm sure that the original poster never meant it maliciously but that's not the point. Even a photo from 19 years ago can have a bad outcome in the wrong hands.
Deareg said:
I never knew that, how does it work?
Part of the request header for any file gives the referer. Looking through the logs, it's easy to find where people have been hotlinking - and in fact an image is more dangerous than a link, because anyone who views the thread will turn up on the logs, whereas you'd have to click on a link to leave a record.
FridgeMagnet said:
Part of the request header for any file gives the referer. Looking through the logs, it's easy to find where people have been hotlinking - and in fact an image is more dangerous than a link, because anyone who views the thread will turn up on the logs, whereas you'd have to click on a link to leave a record.

Thanks to you and Bluestreak for the explanations, and apologies to Cogg for taking the thread off topic
just realised that that macintyre programme on c5 this week is about his brother dominic.
Today's news

From the Observer

'Untouchable' underworld leader murdered

Manchester gangster is fatally stabbed days before a TV documentary on his family reaches the screens

Tony Thompson, crime correspondent
Sunday March 20, 2005
The Observer

One of Britain's most notorious gangland figures has been murdered just days before a documentary is aired in which he bragged of his 'untouchable' position in the underworld.
Dessie Noonan was found bleeding from a stab wound close to his home in the Chorlton district of Manchester late on Friday evening. A leading member of a notorious family, Noonan, 46, had a reputation as a gangland enforcer and had been linked to dozens of armed robberies and several murders.

In a documentary, Gangster, to be broadcast on Tuesday night on Channel Five, he tells investigative journalist Donal MacIntyre that he feels safe as no one would be brave enough to challenge him and his brother. 'No one would dare to touch us anyway. If they did there would be serious fireworks. I've got a bigger army than the police. I've got more guns than the police. We're strong and we've got strong people around us. People know that. If they think they can take one of us out and that's the end of if, then they're silly people, fucking silly people.'

Later in the film Noonan jokes about being asked to execute MacIntyre but denies police claims that he has been involved in as many as 25 murders. In the film's most chilling moment he responds to the question of how many killings he has truly been responsible for by briefly holding up seven fingers and then collapsing in fits of laughter.

Although Noonan makes a number of appearances, the documentary principally follows six months in the life of his younger brother, Dominic, who is on trial for kidnap and drugs offences. The film shows how the Noonan family run an alternative system of justice in many of Manchester's communities. 'During the day Manchester is run by the police, during the night it's run by the gangsters,' says Dominic.

The family rose to notoriety after working as bouncers on the door of the Hacienda nightclub and finding themselves mediating disputes between rival groups of local gangsters. In 1992 Desmond appeared in court charged with the murder of Tony Johnson and shooting another man. He was cleared after several key witnesses failed to attend court. He later served time for threatening the lives of police officers who were due to give evidence against him in a separate case.

Dessie Noonan had viewed the programme just a few hours before he died. He told MacIntyre: 'That could get me 20 years. I'm fully expecting the police to knock on my door on Wednesday morning.'

Peter Walsh, author of Gang Wars, which chronicles the rise of Manchester's underworld, said: 'In the Manchester underworld the name of Dessie Noonan strikes fear into the heart of a lot of people. They are not people to be messed with.'

Underworld sources contacted by The Observer said that Dessie Noonan had recently been accused of ripping off a notorious Salford family to the tune of £250,000 but it is not yet known whether this is connected to his death. After being stabbed, Noonan had used his mobile phone to call his wife and tell her he was dying. An ambulance arrived minutes later but he was pronounced dead on arrival at Manchester Royal Infirmary.

Manchester is bracing itself for a spectacular send-off. When Dessie's younger brother, Damien, died in a motorcycle accident in August 2003, more than 15,000 joined the proceedings. Large parts of north-west Manchester were closed to traffic during the funeral procession and more than 100 police officers attended to keep order.
He was killed 5 minutes away from my house...

Mersey Bank is only down the road. Shocking, and there's going to be some bad shit going down over the next few months in Stretford, Chorlton, the Range and Salford.
well, i guess it will all kick off in manchester for a bit. a pity, because in most normal societies the death of someone like Dessie Noonan would be greeted with something approaching glee.
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