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Depleted Uranium Weapons - A Great Crime

Oh, maybe you have to sign up for that Yahoo Group to get access to it there. It was from their archive.

You can dowload from the original site here:
The U.K may have given up on DU rounds....
The Challenger 2 MBT now uses a Tungsten Carbide round called Green Charm 3, reportedly delevoped as a response to enviormental/radiological/legal concerns.....
DU testing is getting under way again at the Dundrennan firing range in Scotland.

‘A short statement from the MoD said that public safety precautions were in place.
"Agencies and regulatory bodies responsible for health and safety and environmental protection have agreed the arrangements," it said.
"Comprehensive environmental monitoring programmes involving air, water, and soil sampling, have been in place at and around Kirkcudbright since the beginning of the DU munitions trials.
"The findings continue to show that DU does not pose a significant risk to the environment or to members of the public or site personnel." ‘

This would seem to contradict the findings of a study funded by the MoD themselves.
'Safe' uranium that left a town contaminated

This would seem to contradict the UN resolution ‘highlighting serious health concerns over the use of depleted uranium weapons’. Passed by 122 votes to 6.
UN General Assembly Passes DU Resolution

It is also worrying that the health authority in this area of Scotland has disobeyed Freedom of Information orders to release childhood leukemia figures for the region. Their refusal and appeal to the House of Lords is unprecedented in FoI history.
NHS defiant on publishing child leukaemia figures
This would seem to contradict the findings of a study funded by the MoD themselves.
'Safe' uranium that left a town contaminated

Professor Randall Parrish's research, which found depleted uranium (DU) in the urine of people exposed at the former Colonie, New York weapons factory, was funded by the UK Natural Environment Research Council, not the UK Ministry of Defence, as we said in the article below.

Ah, best to check those sources before C&Ping them eddy ;)

What was the followup on that last piece by the way? It's a year old now, is the appeal still trundling it's way through?
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