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Defamation and the family court


New Member
I wonder how many people know that you can defame someone in the family court with demonstrable lies that influences the courts decisions safe in the knowledge that the injured party cannot sue you.

How can a child's best interests be served at a court that accepts demonstrable lies?

How can I expose the family court?
I wonder how many people know that you can defame someone in the family court with demonstrable lies that influences the courts decisions safe in the knowledge that the injured party cannot sue you.

i know this, not from my own experience (no kids), but from my best bud's experience.
I was reading about Roger Daltrey's difficulties with the family courts last week. He was also talking about his defamation.
If whistleblower keeps posting these threads about defamation and the family court there'll be a riot going on. I think they need to thank editor (falettinem post their threds agin), etc.
I wonder how many people know that you can defame someone in the family court with demonstrable lies that influences the courts decisions safe in the knowledge that the injured party cannot sue you.

How can a child's best interests be served at a court that accepts demonstrable lies?

How can I expose the family court?
Hello and welcome to urban.

Perhaps get familiar with the site and community, introduce yourself and tell us what all this is about. What are you hoping to bring to/get from urban. Try and keep it to just the one thread, and don't be getting exasperated if you don't get the answers you want.
Presumably if the decision of the court was based on incorrect evidence that would be grounds for appeal.

That might be one for the lawyers though, rather than a popular discussion forum for clapped out ravers and embittered political activists, I dunno.
If you wanna be a record breaker
If you wanna be the best
Wanna beat the rest
Defamation's what you need

If you want to be a family court a-slagging, annoying first post a posting, bitter tin foil hat-a-wearing RECORD BREAKER.
If you wanna be a record breaker
If you wanna be the best
Wanna beat the rest
Defamation's what you need

If you want to be a family court a-slagging, annoying first post a posting, bitter tin foil hat-a-wearing RECORD BREAKER.
I hated that programme. Raining outside, suffering through Cheryl Baker presenting someone on a BMX, waiting for Neighbours to come on. Memories of that and Tomorrow’s World should save me from ever wearing rose tinted spectacles.
I hated that programme. Raining outside, suffering through Cheryl Baker presenting someone on a BMX, waiting for Neighbours to come on. Memories of that and Tomorrow’s World should save me from ever wearing rose tinted spectacles.
Or you could have read a book or changed the channel.
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