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current pop songs which really get your goat


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skepta - "rolex sweep" - i don't know if it's been around for ages, i don't know if it's trying to cash in on the success of wiley's "wearing my rolex", but i do know that it's utter shit. :)

kate perry - "i kissed a girl" - the music's harmless enough (if you ignore her annoying voice) - bland US female pop rock a la pink, kelly clarkson, etc., but the lyrics - jesus christ. :hmm: and cherry chopsticks - WTF?!? :confused: :D
that katie perry song is awful, but kind of ace too. have you heard her other song, 'ur so gay and you don't even like cock'?
well she should learn to sing more clearly then.

Maybe you need your ears cleaned out? :cool:

luckily in the video she wakes up and finds it was all just a saucy dream and she's cosy with her boyfriend so she doesn't need to worry about her little dalliance. phew!
kate perry - "i kissed a girl" - the music's harmless enough (if you ignore her annoying voice) - bland US female pop rock a la pink, kelly clarkson, etc., but the lyrics - jesus christ. :hmm: a

Yep. Total shite.

That fucking Ting Tings song's really getting on my tits now. Especially the bit where she goes 'Hey!' Funnily enough, I quite liked it when I first heard it.
i like the ting tings, although the pervasiveness of 'that's not my name' has killed it a bit. it's on fucking everything on telly at the moment. :(
Paul McCartney used to do this horrible 'surprised' look on his record covers.


Katy Perry's taken it up, too, by the looks of things.


It's not quite current, but still comes on and still causes me to clentch my fists.

That fucking Hey There Delilah song. I am actually getting stressed thinking about it. The most irritating song ever (not helped by being on rotation every half hour)

I quite like that Katy Perry song :oops:, apparantly her parents are devout Christians and going mad about it too.

I also like that song that goes "in 5 years tii-me" although I suspect it'll be driving me insane by the end of the week.
that Kate Perry song is shit - even if you ignore the lyrics it still fails as a piece of pop music

5 years Time swings between being alright and annoying - sounds a lot less cutesy in context of the album - Noah and The Whale are a lot mopier/folky than you'd think.

While stuck in a hotel room in 'sunny' weston-super-mare the other week & hearing it on the radio for the millionth time I ended up hoping that when they'd be walking round a zoo in five years time they'd end up being eaten by a gnu or sunk in a canoo or something. I like it but it's a serious earworm.
5 years Time swings between being alright and annoying -

Proper fucking bollocks lyrics, though.

What's all that shite about zoos and covering eyes and other stuff? I heard it on the radio today and the first thought that came into my mind was 'Is that all you've got to fucking say about anything, you fucking cunt?'

I wasn't in the most charitable of moods, right then, tbf. :D
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