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Culture Fit at Workplace


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Candidates must prepare for cultural fit interviews | Conrad Consulting

What do you think the biggest problem is in most offices today?

I may have met problematic personnel and atmosphere in offices; it is not same as the biggest problem in the offices today. Problems or incompatibilities are characteristic suggesting the job does not fit with the career specification, skills training, professional progression, and the like, in my experience.

How important is empathy and humour in the modern workplace?

Empathy is important for support, teamwork, and welfare. Humour might be useful for appeasement and relaxation; unavoidable, and I have experience of at work. However, I do not see that much scope for humour in my job sphere.

Apart from that, I do not have a problem with this culture fit assessment.
empathy and humour

have been amazed over the years from the amount of humour you can have in a office

from collegues who clear hate each other

its a balance

sack anyone who appears to be licking arse mind it just saves problems later
empathy and humour

have been amazed over the years from the amount of humour you can have in a office from colleagues who clear hate each other
Yes but, most of it is against the so-called values, policies, legislation and regulations, ethos, job and person specs.
sounds like it a reciepe to put compliant people over competent people

but that makes weak managers look better as they can easily scape goat a person

not surprised weak management types perfer that option

and in turn premote that bullshit
have had more than one job i've left in the past because i was not the fit for the next level

and after i left the moment i've obtained the skills i've had enquires about coming back

don't give more tools to that certian types of people
My ex company was very big on culture fit. Which seemed to mean people hiring people exactly like themselves. So if you were a young (generally white) guy who went to one of a handful of universities, all good.

If you weren't, you were much less likely to get hired. And if you were hired despite that, there was no way you were ever going to get promoted.

And then they'd go on about their initiatives to make the company more diverse while thinking the culture fit stuff was really successful. :rolleyes:

So yeah IME, it's a way of perpetuating conscious or unconscious bias.
'.... not the fit for the next level'
Almost all my applications are rejected saying that. It is a professional job backed with qualifications, skills including communication, teamwork, and willingness to learn and undertake work related training.
if that is the case my bad read your intention for asking the question incorrectly

whats the role
"Cutlural Fit" is just a convenient euphamism for having a company entirely consisting of "stable extraverts".

Fuck the weirdos, people with baggage, people abit rough around the edges..

Yes -i get the baseline stuff about not being a twat... but I don't think that's covered by cultural fit.

Sounds like an employer you wouldn’t want to have anyway. have never heard of this term before, but i don’t work in that sector
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Culture is just used as way of enforcing conscious and unconscious bias.

Most workplaces big on culture are more like cults.

Evil American Megacorp talked no end of bullshit about their vision, their culture, their values and their principles and it all went out of the window whenever it became inconvenient.
Maybe a small company with ten or fifteen people you might want to be sure any new hires 'fit' in but when you get tens or even hundreds of thousands then you're just a cog in the machine
Aye, IME as an employee - "Culture Fit" is just another way of getting another compliant brick in the wall.
Basically perpetuating whatever system / cult is already in place by reinforcing the stereotype.
Another term for "Old Boys Network" once you are talking about roles in management.

It's something that a small team should consider, as someone without similar aims and values is not always going to work well alongside / with a group of individuals, specialising in certain skills to achieve difficult tasks, especially when great attention to detail is required and rarely are you doing exactly the same job every day. Although there are long periods when the tasks at hand are boringly routine or making parts and components that seem to create just a larger heap of "bits" but eventually, it all gets put together, and there ! we have a result ...
However, one needs to brighten up the mood so telling a few jokes and verbal leg-pulling are allowed (no pranking - not suitable in a woodworking shop because that kit is dangerous, the day you stop being wary of it is the day you become likely to get an injury). But not bullying or harassment.
Having a group of individuals [often with unusual hobbies - one guy was a Viking warrior at weekends] means there is plenty to talk about that's not football, religion or politics - these three are banned topics.
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