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Ofsted - Fit for purpose?

No. The vast majority of judgements are purely subjective by dickhead failed educators.
There is a but though.
Schools and individual teachers can’t say we or I am doing good for the children/students, but it’s a secret.
Ofsted is not the way to do it.
I thought Amanda Spielman's response to the tragedy of Ruth Perry was seriously inadequate, cold, and defensive. It took Ofsted days to respond and when they did it was 'business as usual'.

Appalling. I hope more establishments feel supported to refuse inspections.

It does need reform. Schools should be supported to improve, not punished. I don't actually know there's any evidence to suggest that inspection in it's current form actually improves education for children.
I suggest that Ofsted is absolutely fit for the purpose it was set up to achieve, which is to embed a neoliberal subjectivity into all aspects of life. It has been spectacularly successful at doing that. The assumptions that all aspects of life are quantifiable and can be ranked, and that meaningful targets can be created from those quantified parameters, are barely even questioned any more. This understanding of reality has, in turn, inculcated perfectionism and an internalised responsibility for systemic failures into several generations of young people, making them much better neoliberal subjects.

If Thatcher was right in the 80s that economics was just the method, with the goal being hearts and minds, then the method in the 2000s moved onto exactly this kind of emphasis on measurement and targets in public services. And it completely succeeded.
My college is obsessed with being "Ofsted ever-ready", with rolling deep dives and walkthroughs and Smart Target training and learning walks...
Detest Ofsted, with a passion
In current format it is not fit for purpose.
The stress inflicted on teachers [& pupils] prior to, during and after inspections is severe.
Did anyone hear the Women's Hour interview with the outgoing head of OFSTED, Spielman? Horrible, evasive, with an added dose of smearing her critics for 'creating anxiety'. Shifted tack every time she was challenged. It was a classic of evasive managerialism.
Genuinely inspiring stuff from Ruth Perry's sister; more of this.

Speaking on behalf of the family, Perry’s sister Julia Waters said the inquest had revealed the “brutal inhumanity” of Ofsted inspections. “We have no confidence that Ofsted, under its current leadership and management, is either willing or able to make the widespread, root-and-branch reforms to its system and culture that are so urgently needed,” Waters said.

She added: “If I need to, I will continue to hold Ofsted to account. I will continue meeting with the secretary of state for education and the next chief inspector [of Ofsted, Martyn Oliver] to ensure that radical changes will be applied.”
The new OFSTED head is yet another back-to-basics ball breaker IIRC. Doubt he's gonna be the right person to sort all this shit out.

Also academies now get OFSTED-style trust audits where a bunch of senior people from other trust schools turn up, stick their heads into lessons, grill the staff, examine books and generally do the opposite of helping anyone with anything. We had one a few weeks back and my head of department said it was worse than an OFSTED inspection. She's as tough as nails but seemed genuinely rattled by it.

I didn't get the memo about this trust audit thing and had two random adults wander into my lesson first thing on the monday morning. They didn't have the right lanyards on and weren't accompanied by a member of staff so I told them to hop it.
Did anyone hear the Women's Hour interview with the outgoing head of OFSTED, Spielman? Horrible, evasive, with an added dose of smearing her critics for 'creating anxiety'. Shifted tack every time she was challenged. It was a classic of evasive managerialism.
which is surprising in what way ? TERFs hour loves to give the wtiless tools of patriarchy a vocie
A few years was twice inspected whilst SENCo and Safeguarding Lead by ISI (the private school equivalent of Ofsted) and I have to say it was nothing like the accounts you hear of Ofsted. They were friendly, courteous and supportive.

Yet another example of "one rule for them..."
which is surprising in what way ? TERFs hour loves to give the wtiless tools of patriarchy a vocie
I haven't said anything was surprising. :confused: and she wasn't given a voice, it was a hostile interview for which she came out looking badly.
The whole system is designed to be as confrontational as possible and further the agenda to create academy chains and lower teachers wages.

My workplace had a bit of scandal recently and we’ve had to self report to a regulator and I tell you now. Apart from a few managers arses twitching. You’d never notice anything was going on. The whole way teachers are treated. Particularly with regard to mental health, is as misogynistic as it gets. You can really see that it’s a profession full of women.
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