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Criminal footballers first Xl

After a think about it, I'll change that 'bully' to boorish. From a friend who watched them acting up in a pub in South Oxhey.

Whereas you (and, I assume, your mate) have always been a paragon of virtue every time you were pissed/drugged up?

Ah well. As long as their, alleged, behaviour has been seen and judged through the prism of your 'friend's' life experience and prejudices, then re-interpreted through yours, that's OK then.
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... and had been for some considerable time by all accounts. The cry-baby was apparently not liked by his colleagues (or the fans particularly) at any club he played at - unlike John Hartson who was well got at every club he played at, with everyone from fans, players, managers, ancillary staff, taxi drivers etc. ie generally regarded as a sound fella.
You have the inside track for every club he played at now?. A sound fella does not kick a bloke on the ground in the head.
Anyways, one act of retaliation does not a bully make. Hartson may have been a bit hot-headed in his youth (weren't we all) but I have seen no evidence - and you and the other fella further up the thread have produced none - that he was ever regarded as a 'bully'.
I've watched him play football plenty of times, he was a shithouse of a player, Berkovic had plenty more talent, that's probably why it kicked off.
You have the inside track for every club he played at now?

Apart from the anecdotal evidence I have encountered from Arsenal & West Ham fans, I have the word of many, many Celtic fans and other Glaswegians to boot. You cannot live in the goldfish bowl of Glasgow football without a multitude of stories following you around. Never heard a bad one about John Hartson.

Conversely, the mass of anecdotal evidence on here - and the opinion shared by many - is that you are something of a weasel, slobberry cunt. I'm sure you are a lovely chap IRL.

A sound fella does not kick a bloke on the ground in the head.

1. Circumstances alters cases. Nobody is claiming that incident as JH's finest hour.

2, I know a few posters on here, myself included, who would gladly kick you in yours.
Apart from the anecdotal evidence I have encountered from Arsenal & West Ham fans, I have the word of many, many Celtic fans and other Glaswegians to boot. You cannot live in the goldfish bowl of Glasgow football without a multitude of stories following you around. Never heard a bad one about John Hartson.

Conversely, the mass of anecdotal evidence on here - and the opinion shared by many - is that you are something of a weasel, slobberry cunt. I'm sure you are a lovely chap IRL.
It doesn't take long for the personal jibes to come out when you're called on your usual bullshit. :D

1. Circumstances alters cases. Nobody is claiming that incident as JH's finest hour.

2, I know a few posters on here, myself included, who would gladly kick you in yours.
The internet hard man, with his many pm's of support. I'm sitting here laughing at you.
I've watched him play football plenty of times, he was a shithouse of a player

Are you seriously suggesting JH was a cowardly player? Based on what evidence? You're just making this up as you go along, aren't you?

Or do you simply not know what calling somebody 'a shithouse' means, posh boy?

Berkovic had plenty more talent, that's probably why it kicked off.

Berkovic was undoubtedly a superbly talented player. Makes you wonder what he could have achieved if he wasn't such a cowardly lightweight really doesn't it?

I'm sure Hartson looks back with great satisfaction at what he achieved with his limited talent, great heart, on-field bravery and consistent hard work. Just as I'm sure the (ahem) 'enigmatic' Berkovic still believes his failure to deliver on his huge potential - primarily because of his mental shortcomings - was always anybody else's fault but his own.
Are you seriously suggesting JH was a cowardly player? Based on what evidence? You're just making this up as you go along, aren't you?

Or do you simply not know what calling somebody 'a shithouse' means, posh boy?
I'm a posh boy now am I , plastic?
I'm a posh boy now am I , plastic?

I couldn't work out why anybody other than a 'posh boy' could not know that calling a sportsman "a shithouse of a player" as you did - could be unaware what 'shithouse' means?

Do you know what it means?

Are you saying JH was a coward as a player?
I would like to apologise unreservedly for saying "I'm sure you are a lovely chap IRL". I admit I was lying.
Sometimes I wonder if this is firky trolling, because nobody could be this much of a gobsite. I've certainly never come across this much of a fucking prick IRL, has anyone?
I couldn't work out why anybody other than a 'posh boy' could not know that calling a sportsman "a shithouse of a player" as you did - could be unaware what 'shithouse' means?

Do you know what it means?

Are you saying JH was a coward as a player?
I do, and that is a shithouse challenge I posted earlier.
Sorry not-bono. I'll leave this prick to his own devices.

translation: "Sorry, I concede I have lost the argument, which is not surprising given that I offered no evidence, and am very glad you came along to allow me to flounce off without having to actually back up my ridiculous assertions/slurs on john Hartson".

There you go... 'Shithouse' in the proper sense.
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Sheffield United criminal XI...

Ched Evans (rape)
Marlon King (too numerous to list)
Ashley Sestanovich (armed robbery)
Curtis Woodhouse (assaulting a policeman)
Jordan Robertson (death by dangerous driving)
Benjamin Hill (drug dealing)
Alan Quinn (bar brawl)
Callum Mcfadzean (assault)
Joe Mattock (assault)
Vinnie Jones (assault)
Chengdu Blades (match fixing)

(Not that they were all at United at the time they committed their crimes)
Today is the 20th anniversary of the incident. BBC R5 has been running an interesting special programne this evening recalling the incident and its aftermath and impact on the game.

For me, arguably the funniest thing I've ever seen on a football pitch.
Even though it fucked us for the championship that year, I was fucking delighted when he did it. Normally, well paid slebs/sportspeeps can stfu and put up with the grief they get, but it was delicious seeing the racist little wanker getting a boot. Ditto Prescott lamping the mullet. Anyway, I digress. Let's add Ravel Morrison into the mix.
... and on the wing, the great Mickey Thomas (counterfitting, 18 months).

And there's a much more eminent manager you could have had - jose Mourinho, cautioned for obstruction over the dog quarantine thing, He should have had some competition from Luis Aragones, but he only ended up with a tiny fifa fine over his racist rants.
They'll need a criminally-minded fellow sportsman to drive the team bus.

Roy James springs to mind.
C'mon, more, I could do with the lols :)

It's not like this thread will ever be complete, new wrong'uns ever day.
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