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Covid post vaccination

Have you had covid post vaccine?

  • Yes. It was mild. I recovered at home

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • Yes. I needed O2 in hospital

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes. I was very ill and in ICU

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No. Not had covid. I'm fully vaccinated

    Votes: 24 80.0%
  • No. Not had covid . Not vaccinated.

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • I had covid before vaccination

    Votes: 3 10.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Two of my friends have been diagnosed with covid. One is now in hospital fighting for a breath.
Both were fully vaccinated.

How prevalent are breakthrough infections?
There basically are no variants aside from delta in most of europe at the moment. I think it's 100% for the UK and probs similar in Ireland. It makes sense as it's more transmissable and potentially better able to evade immune response even in double jabbed people.

I dont know anyone in real life who's double jabbed but still had it recently. Only people who havent been jabbed... a mate and his GF (vaccine hesitant) have just come down with it after an open-air festival. Rubbish. :( Personally I'm being very cautious... although statistically I'm probably pretty well protected.
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I know a couple of people who’ve had it post double-jabs. One of them had it last autumn/winter, too.

Both pretty mild cases, thankfully.
Two of my friends have been diagnosed with covid. One is now in hospital fighting for a breath.
Both were fully vaccinated.

How prevalent are breakthrough infections?
I know its personal, but if you are ok with it could you say what age and the general health of your friend in hospital?
Two of my friends have been diagnosed with covid. One is now in hospital fighting for a breath.
Both were fully vaccinated.

How prevalent are breakthrough infections?

A simple stat about that came up in the Scottish press conference today. This isnt a final figure, it just reflects the recent picture in Scotland but should still be useful.

And of course vaccination does not provide anyone – of any age - with 100% protection. In fact around 1/3 of new cases recently, have been in people who had been fully vaccinated.

From Coronavirus (COVID-19) update: First Minister's statement – 24 August 2021
How prevalent are breakthrough infections?
Recent REACT results suggest that fully vaccinated were (late June to mid July) around three times less likely to get infected compared to the unvaccinated. But for an individual this varies widely (post-vaccination seroconversion, prior infection, your/others' behaviour, environment, etc).

Latest research (DOI: 10.1101/2021.08.20.21262158) on delta/B.1.617.2 might suggest around 69% of those 'breakthrough' infections in the fully vaccinated can produce infectious virus. Notably, viral load in vaccinees declines faster and produces less infectious virus than in the unvaccinated (but vaccinated can still transmit).
Well I had a sniffle yesterday a.m, tested positive with a home kit which was confirmed with a hospital carpark drive- through test in the pm. Don't ask me what kind they were. I had a bit of a sore throat in the night and have a cough and a very small amount of wheezing. I can taste and I smell as usual :) No fever and not feeling any more wretched than I would with a chesty cough. So far I'd call it mild but am not counting my chickens. I'm double jabbed.
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We’ve both had it here. I was double vaxxed by mid April as on immunosuppressants so considered CEV (and was due a top-up jab, not booster, on Thursday), other half had her second shot at the beginning of July so quite recent (both got AZ)

I wouldn’t describe symptoms as ‘mild’ despite not needing hospitalisation, it absolutely floors you and lasts for ages after. Other half is on day 12, can only manage a couple of hours a day out of bed, oxygen levels OK (with both of us) but the fatigue is horrendous and she’s had really bad nausea. I’m a couple of days ahead, I’ve managed to do a couple of hours work in the last two days now I’m out of quarantine but then I’m out of it for the rest of the day. It’s tough.

(we’ve both had the new version where initial PCR tests are negative if that’s any kind of measure, but know others infected from same source with barely any symptoms)
A simple stat about that came up in the Scottish press conference today. This isnt a final figure, it just reflects the recent picture in Scotland but should still be useful.

From below said:
And of course vaccination does not provide anyone – of any age - with 100% protection. In fact around 1/3 of new cases recently, have been in people who had been fully vaccinated.

From Coronavirus (COVID-19) update: First Minister's statement – 24 August 2021
Worrying though that above quote is, I read the whole speech for some reason, and the main thing that struck me was that you'd never get fucking Johnson delivering as clear and easy-to-undertand messages about Covid as that! :(

And I post as no particular fan of the (IMO) often under-criticised, and at times over-worshipped, Nicola Sturgeon! ;)
There are 2 votes for having covid before vaccination yet only 1 entry in the covid severity options, a poll limitation of course but show how these polls are often missleading
My Mum had it after both jabs. She had a rough week that was very worrying but she's made a full recovery.

As a 75 year old who'd recently had two debilitating operations, I'm pretty certain that it was the jabs that kept her out of hospital. Even with the jabs, there was one day where her temperature soared to worrying levels.

She's just had her booster btw. With 3 jabs and having had the disease she should have strong immunity now. 💪
Well I had a sniffle yesterday a.m, tested positive with a home kit which was confirmed with a hospital carpark drive- through test in the pm. Don't ask me what kind they were. I had a bit of a sore throat in the night and have a cough and a very small amount of wheezing. I can taste and I smell as usual :) No fever and not feeling any more wretched than I would with a chesty cough. So far I'd call it mild but am not counting my chickens. I'm double jabbed.

I know a couple of people who’ve had it post double-jabs. One of them had it last autumn/winter, too.

Both pretty mild cases, thankfully.

My nephew was the same, double jabbed, caught Covid, spent a few days in bed, fine now.

Although the vaccines aren't fully efficient, they do seem to ameliorate the situation if yo do catch the bloody thing.
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