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Clash of Clans: any Urban clans out there?


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I've got seriously addicted to this. Thing is, clans either tend to be full of barely literate pubescents whining on about being co-leader or, horror of horrors, sad, adult online nonentities using it as a forum for sexychat *puke*

Is there an urban clan out there, or at the very least a clan containing one or more Urbs that doesn't fit the above descriptions?

There's a U75 Clan thread stickied at the top of this forum but it's not had any interest for two years now. I tend to be massively asocial with my gaming so i have no idea about clans or multiplayer or any of that stuff where you have to interact with other people.
There's a U75 Clan thread stickied at the top of this forum but it's not had any interest for two years now. I tend to be massively asocial with my gaming so i have no idea about clans or multiplayer or any of that stuff where you have to interact with other people.

CoC requires cooperation for progress to a degree. I'm not there for the sociability but I'd prefer those I'm cooperating with to be a) not 11 and b) not a bunch of swingers using a game as a way to swap blowjob innuendos :(
Big bump. :D

I downloaded this the other day since my nephew plays it a lot, and figured we could have online battles, but now I'm getting more into it I'm not sure it's the kind of game where you can do that.

I looked at the top clans and from their self-descriptions they come over as a little strange...
Only thread I could find on the topic, so just bumped up.

I took the hit that I was given then I bumped again, then I bumped again

I said

How do I get back there to the place where I played clash of clans inside you

Eta oh shit yeah I forgot - does anyone else here actually play this splendid children’s app game??
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