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Christmas 15/ January 16 Postcard exchange?

I had forgotten about this. So can people keep bumpong it so I remember??

Is there a date we need to aim for? I think that might help focus me.
Deadline is 31/1 but maybe set yourself an outlook reminder to do it during your deathly days at work between Xmas and new year? :oops:
Alright! This has been moving from one Things To Do list to another and scribbled out, with arrows and different colours and stuff but I've finally got it written and ready for a stamp!
Alright! This has been moving from one Things To Do list to another and scribbled out, with arrows and different colours and stuff but I've finally got it written and ready for a stamp!
Thanks for the reminder - mine will hit the post later today.
I received one on Friday just as we were going away for the w/e ... it has lots of text on it relating to Urban. I will endevour to take a pic :)

Thankyou to whoever created it :cool:

I'm starting to think my one didn't make it to Wales :(
I've just had a beautiful card from blossie33. :cool: VP will post a picture of it later.

At the moment there seems to be a problem with blossie's email account as far as urban is concerned, so they sent me a letter with the card enclosed.
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