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Chicago Facebook live-stream hate crime

No. The sad thing actually is that a very vulnerable young man was abducted, abused , humiliated and partially scalped by a bunch of racist vermin . Who were so proud of what they were doing they broadcast it . It would be pretty fair to surmise the entire point of this attack was to broadcast it . A thing that actually happened to a real person, as opposed to the imaginary whataboutery you've conjured up as your reaction to hearing about it .

I think you've picked up Stanley Edward's penchant for starting fights from nothing. There's nothing in any of my posts on this thread to indicate that this young man did anything that else other than suffer a horrible crime that will likely haunt him for the rest of this life. My post was just pointing out the likely outcome of this will be even more violence. There's plenty of racist freaks out there only too happy to use anything they can come up with as a justification to hate. I find that sad too. I would hope you do too.
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