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Chicago Facebook live-stream hate crime


This was fucking disgusting, What was wrong with these people?

Two men and two women have been charged with a hate crime, after allegedly kidnapping an 18-year-old victim with special needs, torturing him, and posting videos of the torture online.

Several people can be seen laughing during the attack, in addition to making disparaging remarks about President-elect Donald Trump and using racially charged language. At one point, while the victim is backed into a corner, someone is heard shouting “F*** Donald Trump. F*** white people.”

The four people charged are black and the victim is white.
Obama Calls Facebook Torture Video 'Despicable', But Optimistic About Race Relations In U.S.

(Reader comments on that video are as depressing as ever, including, "White people aren't nearly racist enough") :facepalm:
There was an interesting discussion on CNN about this, some lawyers were claiming that the "hate crime" part of the charge wouldn't stick as "white people are not part of a minority" and the law was written to protect minorities. Fortunately, someone who understands the law pointed out that in the state of Illinois the law includes special provision for disabled people regardless of color.

Lawyers :facepalm:

There was an interesting discussion on CNN about this, some lawyers were claiming that the "hate crime" part of the charge wouldn't stick as "white people are not part of a minority" and the law was written to protect minorities. Fortunately, someone who understands the law pointed out that in the state of Illinois the law includes special provision for disabled people regardless of color.

Lawyers :facepalm:

I'm pretty sure it would be difficult to craft a criminal law like that, that would be constitutional. And, I know they've made hate crime charges stick against African Americans who harmed white people in other states.
I'm pretty sure it would be difficult to craft a criminal law like that, that would be constitutional. And, I know they've made hate crime charges stick against African Americans who harmed white people in other states.
Yes I fully understand, I had to listen to it twice to believe what was being said by lawyers, hence the lawyers :facepalm: at the end of my post.
(Reader comments on that video are as depressing as ever, including, "White people aren't nearly racist enough") :facepalm:

The sad thing is that some idiotic white guy is going to use this as justification for doing the same thing. Afterall, "They're all racist too." :(
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Well, this is CNN. I rank them above Fox News, but not by much.
It was Anderson Cooper 5th Jan 17 if you want to check it out (it will be online I'm sure). CNN have just become an anti-Trump propaganda machine nowadays, I can't believe some of the shit they come out with.

All they take about is the DNC hack and how it is linked to Trump, it is amazing that they seem to forget that the USA was hacking into the emails and phones of other world leaders both friends and foe :mad::mad:
All they take about is the DNC hack and how it is linked to Trump, it is amazing that they seem to forget that the USA was hacking into the emails and phones of other world leaders both friends and foe :mad::mad:

Sure, but the US hasn't been immune to hack attacks either. If you're a federal employee they give you free credit monitoring because the Chinese hacked into the federal employee database. Its all been a very quiet little war going on under everyone's nose for years. The only way for anyone to deal with it is to try to present as hardened a target as possible. The Democrats sure didn't manage that.
I wonder if subsequent discussion/prosecution will look at why they chose a 'mentally disabled' person to torture.
There was an interesting discussion on CNN about this, some lawyers were claiming that the "hate crime" part of the charge wouldn't stick as "white people are not part of a minority" and the law was written to protect minorities. Fortunately, someone who understands the law pointed out that in the state of Illinois the law includes special provision for disabled people regardless of color.

Lawyers :facepalm:

There are people leading with that as if it would be a good thing? Jesus.
Sure, but the US hasn't been immune to hack attacks either. If you're a federal employee they give you free credit monitoring because the Chinese hacked into the federal employee database. Its all been a very quiet little war going on under everyone's nose for years. The only way for anyone to deal with it is to try to present as hardened a target as possible. The Democrats sure didn't manage that.
Its the "new" warfare, knowledge is power. Countries have been hacking into private companies now for years stealing their development work and governments have also been hacking each other for years. Terrorists have now caught up, where do we go from here.

Can we be sure that Intel and AMD chips in 90% of computers don't have problems? We are all watched all the time on line, people think they can hide but can they?

Edit sorry way off topic not for this thread
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There was an interesting discussion on CNN about this, some lawyers were claiming that the "hate crime" part of the charge wouldn't stick as "white people are not part of a minority" and the law was written to protect minorities. Fortunately, someone who understands the law pointed out that in the state of Illinois the law includes special provision for disabled people regardless of color.

Lawyers :facepalm:

How does this make any sense?

If the total number of black people in the USA was to exceed the number of white people (as no doubt they do in some geographical areas), would that mean that white people could only be the victims of racism?
Even if you are a complete cunt.. How fucking dumb do you have to be to live stream shit like that on facebook? Hope they get locked up!
How does this make any sense?

If the total number of black people in the USA was to exceed the number of white people (as no doubt they do in some geographical areas), would that mean that white people could only be the victims of racism?
Don't ask me, I thought the Lawyers were talking bollocks
There was an interesting discussion on CNN about this, some lawyers were claiming that the "hate crime" part of the charge wouldn't stick as "white people are not part of a minority" and the law was written to protect minorities. Fortunately, someone who understands the law pointed out that in the state of Illinois the law includes special provision for disabled people regardless of color.

Lawyers :facepalm:
everyone is protected by hate crime laws, as i understand. if you're attacked for being who/what you are, it's a hate crime.
Is Everyone Protected by Hate Crime Laws? | Criminal Law
Some scholars and activists have argued that hate crimes are a sort of affirmative action and therefore members of majority groups should not be protected from hate crimes. However, no hate crime law in the United States is drafted that way. Any legislation that offered protection to members of one religion or ethnicity but not others would almost certainly be struck down as unconstitutional.

Why? You and Lee are the only two people I have seen round here that actually believe it's not possible to be racist against a white person. You think the doctrines of the identarian 'left' (such as the redefinition of the word racism) do not have consequences?
Why? You and Lee are the only two people I have seen round here that actually believe it's not possible to be racist against a white person. You think the doctrines of the identarian 'left' (such as the redefinition of the word racism) do not have consequences?

Okay, so you believe "reverse racism" is a thing, or even there's no such thing as reverse because all racism is the same. It follows that you believe women being "sexist" towards men is just the same as men being sexist towards women. Disabled people attacking non disabled, just the same as other way round, and of course say an minimum wage earning working class person threatening an upper class person is no more justified than a well-to-do person doing the same to their waiter.

The sad thing is that some idiotic white guy is going to use this as justification for doing the same thing. Afterall, "They're all racist too." :(
This, I'm afraid.

Glad to hear the attackers were apprehended swiftly and no doubt will face the full weight of the law both because of the obvious evidence and public opinion.

Unfortunately, having attacks on film haven't always led to prosecutions - thinking of the gang rape of the girl a few years ago by popular members of the high school football team and quite a few people who've been shot by the police when it's been clear they weren't threatening from the footage, but it's cut no ice.
Okay, so you believe "reverse racism" is a thing, or even there's no such thing as reverse because all racism is the same. It follows that you believe women being "sexist" towards men is just the same as men being sexist towards women. Disabled people attacking non disabled, just the same as other way round, and of course say an minimum wage earning working class person threatening an upper class person is no more justified than a well-to-do person doing the same to their waiter.


Of course I believe those things. It's called judging people on equal terms. The fact that you think you are striking a killer blow against me by posting that just highlights how utterly bereft of moral direction your politics actually is.
The police are only treating this as a hate crime against disabled people, not against whites, despite the anti-white statements made by the attackers during the assault. If the races were reversed, the police would have classified this as a racial hate crime immediately.
The police are only treating this as a hate crime against disabled people, not against whites, despite the anti-white statements made by the attackers during the assault. If the races were reversed, the police would have classified this as a racial hate crime immediately.

Back so soon? :hmm:

...and on your little assumption there...

White football player accused of raping black, disabled team-mate avoids prison

An Idaho prosecutor’s declaration that an alleged rape of a black, mentally disabled football player with a coat hanger by his white team-mate was not a sex crime and was not racially motivated has sparked mounting criticism among campaigners against sexual assault.

John RK Howard was initially charged with felony forcible sexual penetration by use of a foreign object, but on Friday, the 19-year-old reached a plea bargain that allowed him to plead guilty to a felony count of injury to a child. The deal will allow Howard to avoid prison time unless he violates his probation, the Twin Falls Times-News reported.

The October 2015 assault drew national headlines after the victim told the courtthat he had been attacked by three football team-mates and sodomized with a coat hanger in the locker room.

The victim’s family filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the high school and school officials, claiming that the school had failed to protect the student from a campaign of racial harassment by other students that culminated in the sexual assault.

The victim was called racial epithets such as “watermelon”, “chicken-eater”, and “nigger”, and Howard taunted the victim with a “Ku Klux Klan” song, the lawsuit alleged.

But during Friday’s hearing, the prosecutor, deputy attorney general Casey Hemmer, played down both the racial and sexual aspects of the crime, according to the Twin Falls Times-News.
Okay, so you believe "reverse racism" is a thing, or even there's no such thing as reverse because all racism is the same. It follows that you believe women being "sexist" towards men is just the same as men being sexist towards women. Disabled people attacking non disabled, just the same as other way round, and of course say an minimum wage earning working class person threatening an upper class person is no more justified than a well-to-do person doing the same to their waiter.


Can you clarify whether or not you believe these kidnappers to be racist?
Okay, so you believe "reverse racism" is a thing, or even there's no such thing as reverse because all racism is the same. It follows that you believe women being "sexist" towards men is just the same as men being sexist towards women. Disabled people attacking non disabled, just the same as other way round, and of course say an minimum wage earning working class person threatening an upper class person is no more justified than a well-to-do person doing the same to their waiter.


These cunts kidnapped, tortured, humiliated, assaulted , stripped and partially scalped this man because he was white and because they hate white people . They are racists , that was a racist hate crime by any definition . And they broadcast it to make a racist statement .

And no amount of your interminable identitarian shite shite can alter that .
The sad thing is that some idiotic white guy is going to use this as justification for doing the same thing. Afterall, "They're all racist too." :(

No. The sad thing actually is that a very vulnerable young man was abducted, abused , humiliated and partially scalped by a bunch of racist vermin . Who were so proud of what they were doing they broadcast it . It would be pretty fair to surmise the entire point of this attack was to broadcast it . A thing that actually happened to a real person, as opposed to the imaginary whataboutery you've conjured up as your reaction to hearing about it .
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