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chainsaws, chopping stacking and general firewood advice pls?

Sometimes get small "logs" - say 2 inches across - spitting out flames at the cut end. I presume it is the natural gassification process - hot wood creating "gas" and being burn off.

Much like certain kinds of "seam or gas coal" , giving out bright yellow flames. Not that you see much of that stuff burnt these days.

A friend relates how burning beach foraged driftwood often gave great visual effects as the salt burnt off.
It just occurred to me to wonder last time i visited this thread whether the accounts of children getting stuck,and presumably,dying having been sent up Victorian chimneys are exaggerated.Even in those dark days it surely could not have been a common occurrence?

I'm more than happy to run a live trial on this if people want to donate subjects. ;)
Probably high pressure treated wood by the sounds of it. Those chems burn bright.;)
Wasn't treated wood. There wasn't much in the load but of the 1 or 2 pieces that had bark on it looked like some sort of palm tree. No idea where they would have got that round here.
My late father was never so pleased as when a local farmer shouted at him "ah you bloody bolshevik!".He had at that stage taken to pushing a pram up and down the hedgerows which he would fill with fallen branches ,rotting gate-posts and whatnot.Its a terrible shame to be paying money for lumber.
This is a beautiful book.
I’ve been burning ash here for the last year or so (bought in, kiln dried) but just got a few bags of birch to see how it compared. The bark falls off the logs and is great for kindling or rejuvenating fire. Logs burn with a dancing flame, very pretty, but burn through nearly as quickly as softwood.
Progress.. I just built this thing. It’s a bit crap but I am so proud because did it all by myself with things that were lying around the place and have zero injuries. It’ll fill up soon, fresher logs on the bottom ready to use ones on top.

After the last couple of storms and power cuts, we are making serious inroads into the ready-cut pile.
It "might" be calm enough to chop up the seasoned stuff later in the week ...

I'll also need to do a pick up the blown down branches wander in the wildwood & garden.
I may wear the yellow hard'at ...
This freezing and miserable cold weather has made a serious dent in the woodpile.

As someone said earlier , you can never have enough wood cut and stacked.......:D
Yup running short here too. Luckily the storm last night brought down two sizeable birch. Less luckily it brought them down across the track…

Nearly couldn’t get the chainsaw started… but it complied with a stern look.
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