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Celery masterclass

Did you think that maybe combining the onions and the celery would be twice as good? If you do that you're 2/3 of the way to getting up to the standard of most of Mediterranean Europe.
thats over complicating it - its all about leaving space on the pallet for the complex flavours to come through - as they say in Sardinia, "dont crowd the celery".

First person to give this a go gets a like a smiley face and a VG see me
thats over complicating it - its all about leaving space on the pallet for the complex flavours to come through - as they say in Sardinia, "dont crowd the celery".

First person to give this a go gets a like a smiley face and a VG see me
For the celery pasta? Been there, done that, bought the T shirt, long before urban.
I put celery in all sorts of stuff, I use it more like a herb than a vegetable if that makes any sense, and I easily get through a head of celery a week. It's absolutely fantastic with anything containing either tomatoes or mushrooms.

Apparently it's rich in phthalates (or something like that) that makes it a really good flavour enhancer, especially for 'umami' flavours.

Try it, the addition of a finely chopped stalk of celery, or celery leaf, to soups or pasta sauces is bloody yum.
My dad always uses it in cooking things like lasagna and shepherds pie and bolognese :mad:

I don't mind it raw and dipped in stuff but cook is grim.
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