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Celery masterclass

Onions > celery.

Celery is quite low down on the list, way down there with cauliflower.
Celery is quite low down on the list, way down there with cauliflower.

i always thought that then got given some the other day and had no onions and its turned me into a gourmet chef over night. Chop it finely for all pasta and noodle dishes that might have wanted onion -one cut down the middle then chopped across - it disappears into the food and leaves the amabassador very impressed
Nah, that's only true for very cold water.

Anyway, much as I like celery it's no replacement for onions and is certainly not a patch on the mighty alliums.

Agreed about celery, but what're these bourgeois, ponce-foods named alliums, you speak of? :mad:
<snip>Anyway, much as I like celery it's no replacement for onions and is certainly not a patch on the mighty alliums.
Agreed. Although celery stalks do make a good trivet inside the roasting tin for meat or fish.
He's not going to want fucking pasta then...will he? He'll be sick of it.
No he isnt sick of it - he's forever travelling abroad for diplomatic purposes and finds it quite comforting to have a gourmet bowl of pasta, especially one with such a unique flavour. Thank you very much.
Onion masterclass....use it instead of celery for dipping as it is a far superior foodstuff.


Where's your celery god now, ska invita :mad:

i always thought that then got given some the other day and had no onions and its turned me into a gourmet chef over night. Chop it finely for all pasta and noodle dishes that might have wanted onion -one cut down the middle then chopped across - it disappears into the food and leaves the amabassador very impressed

Did you think that maybe combining the onions and the celery would be twice as good? If you do that you're 2/3 of the way to getting up to the standard of most of Mediterranean Europe.
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