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Celery and Carrots in Bolognase

Celery is horrible and should not be put in any dish. It's only good when dipped in peanut butter. The g/f's mum puts green peppers in bolognaise. :(
celery chopped really fine and braised with carrots and onions is very different to the celery most people rightly find disgusting
Celery and carrot in bolognais is just ick!

I am not a fan of cooked celery any way.

Carrots just make it seem more like a tomato based stew...

... which I guess it kind of is.... but its still wrong :mad:
You chop the veg really fine, so it's nothing like a stew
When I cook it I use onion, mushrooms (none magic :D) garlic and chilli.
Problem is that it isn't to Indonesian tastes so I don't do it much anymore.
However several restaurants do an Indonesian version.
They bung anything in that's handy. Most are crap but the odd one is a cracker.


Lucky I just happen to have a photo of my lunch the other day. :)
Celery, onion and carrot sofritto for me... It is the traditional way, Heston Blumenthal said so.
Yes, my bolognaise always contains carrot and celery, I believe that is the more traditional recipe (and it tastes good!)
celery and carrots definitely part of a ragu/bolognese - folks might not like it but it's pretty standard base for sauces. Finely chop that is the key, if your finished sauce has chunks of carrot or celery in it then you haven't chopped it fine enough or maybe cooked it long enough (i usually put mine to slow cook gently for 2 hours). Try grating also.
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