forward communism, forward gerbils!
that was good fun, i left early so as to be unhungover today. well done everyone.
love that photo
Yeah, that doesn't look like a dog that's really going for it - body language is all wrong.the dog face looks like he wants to lick rather than chew anyone
Great pic innit. That dog probably wasn't even lunging at that party person. There was probably another dog behind him. You only have to look at the videos from last night to see the bad behaviour of the dogs
Aw that second video is fantastic!
What's the song in the first video? Can't quite make out the politics of the song. "The TUC can't save me..."
Brixtonite in particular was being rather ignorant and accusing revellers of being lazyI have unfollowed quite a lot of Brixton people on twitter.
It's a fair cop guv but society is to blame.Still trying to cope with this Fosters situation. Disgusting behaviour. Absolutely disgusting.
It's a fair cop guv but society is to blame.
Thatcher.Broken Britain innit.
Who broke it?
Was it Thatcher who privatised the Breweries?
Nanker Phelge said:I chipped a glass in the dishwasher the other day. That bitch!
Dishwasher? Well lah de bleeding dah.I chipped a glass in the dishwasher the other day. That bitch!
Shocking product placement there
From http://www.vice.com/en_uk/read/making-friends-at-thatchers-hate-wake?utm_source=vicefb
There's a good photo of Ted in the article.
Kanda said:There were a few dickheads there though. Badgers and I had to stamp out burning newspaper tossed into a phone box, he stopped some kids starting a fire earlier.... Wtf is the point in that?