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Carlton Mansions co-op, Coldharbour Lane, Brixton - history and news

It was adjourned but it was horrible experience.

Devonshires went all out to try to get the Judge to hear the injunction once the possession case was adjourned. It did not work but the injunction has not been dropped. It will be still heard with the possession order case.

It not unusual for a possession case to be adjourned.

The Council will keep at this.
Whole thing sounds beyond stressful - keep the faith and don't let the bastards intimidate you

Lambeth councillors - we're watching you, you fucking lowlives

I propose again someone starting a thread where we compile as much info on their individual and collective actions as possible (and restate I'd do it myself but posting from phone so copying their details/editing posts etc is troublesome)
Whole thing sounds beyond stressful - keep the faith and don't let the bastards intimidate you

Lambeth councillors - we're watching you, you fucking lowlives

I propose again someone starting a thread where we compile as much info on their individual and collective actions as possible (and restate I'd do it myself but posting from phone so copying their details/editing posts etc is troublesome)

As it happens I bumped into the Leader of the Council in Sainsburys on Monday and had a decent chat with her about it all.As I know her from when she Cabinet member of Housing and Regeneration.

For starters a Labour Council should not use injunctions in this way. It really is draconian. At court I asked our Barrister is this a usual use of an injunction. As I thought they were normally used for things like harrassment etc. He said its not usual.

I thought once the Judge had told them that possession order was adjourned they would give up on the injunction. Not a bit of it the Barrister then strenuously argued that they wanted to pursue it that day.

Secondly a Labour Council should not use an big city law firm that is known for its aggressive use of the law. I cannot blame Devonshires for doing what they do. Lambeth should not use them.

It was truly awful in court. Felt like I was on a criminal charge defending myself. Not a resident who does not bother other people. Its not like we are taking housing away from anyone else.

Council ( or rather this section of it including the Short Life Housing Project Manager who represented the Council at court. ) do not want to work out a compromise.

They are going to pursue this in the courts. Its there job. They get paid to go to court. They are not risking anything themselves.

The also seek off to get off me £9 780 to date. If there action is successful. Others are potentially in same boat. So they are scaring people to go.
Glad you can stay in your homes for now :)

Can we do some sort of benefit gig to pay for legal fees or anything?

editor has kindly offered before. I have asked the Coop about this. They do not want money. We value all the moral support we have been getting here. Coop members are looking at this thread. Though not always keen to post up.So its left to me. :D

However some kind of celebrate Carlton Mansions night with any proceeds going to the Mural Preservation Society for the restoration of the Nuclear Dawn mural is something the Coop thought might be idea.

Also someone in Coop said Carlton Mansion T shirts. With my pic of the Mansions that is on Brixton Blog. With a slogan on it. Cannot remember what she said. Any ideas? Proceeds to the mural again.

Do not know why.:DUrban has a reputation:p. Where is Manter? :)

I do ask there advice on what to post up. As some of this strays into legal territory.

We have some Coop funds. We have sorted out for now a way to get legal advice and representation.
I wonder if Lambeth council will ever learn to work with their communities, instead of against them.

The whole problem with the Cooperative Council is that the Council treat it as something they can turn on and off when they like. Its at there largesse.

On the surface you get the cuddly consultation on for example the Somerleyton Road project. But in the cellar the Council keep there attack dogs hidden for when they feel like using them.
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