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Car buying websites?


Not a Girly Swot, but I like them....
S'up dudes.

I need to buy another car for sprog 1 - the gearbox has gone on her 2010 jazz, it's got over 100k on it and it's going to be the start of a money pit.

I've always used autotrader for my car purchases, but I'm wondering if I should be looking for at other sites to, and what they might be....

The husband of my eldest daughter bought a car off Cinch a few months ago and was very impressed with both the car and the service but they may not be within the price range you're prepared to pay
Also before I began buying vehicles aimed at keeping for the long term, I would buy a banger, usually <£500 because even if it lasted only 6 months it was a bargin. They all lasted a year + and I drove them into the ground and then I'd scrap em and get some money back towards the next one. I did this for years until I bought a camper.
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A visit to your local car supermarket is also probably worthwhile if only to rule it out. If you're looking for something in the basic supermini range they always have loads
eBay is really just a marketing tool when it comes to cars. Always do the deal through the back door.

If you want something specific then FB Marketplace, get yourself in a group for that type of car and one will come up sooner or later.

Copart are cheap but that's playing the car buying game on Nightmare mode so you've got to know what you're doing.

Dunno about the UK but Gumtree in Australia is now mainly crackheads trying to sell 15 year old shitboxes.

BCA is supposed to be good but it's trade only.
eBay is really just a marketing tool when it comes to cars. Always do the deal through the back door.

If you want something specific then FB Marketplace, get yourself in a group for that type of car and one will come up sooner or later.

Copart are cheap but that's playing the car buying game on Nightmare mode so you've got to know what you're doing.

Dunno about the UK but Gumtree in Australia is now mainly crackheads trying to sell 15 year old shitboxes.

BCA is supposed to be good but it's trade only.
That's what I did. I used it to make contact and took it from there.
If not paying cash then don't send any bank transfer etc until you have physically seen the car and the seller.
When I brought the mid life crisis mobile I first went to a huge car supermarket. It wasn't right for that kind of car but if I wanted a micra/corsa/astra/fietsa type of thing I think I'd start there.
I used autotrader six months ago to buy a car. I think they are still pretty good.

An irritation though, I selected 20 miles from me, but still dealers much further away were cropping up in my search.
when it comes to cars, e-bay is a mix of 'classified ads' where the expectation is the car may be advertised elsewhere as well, and any deal is outside e-bay, the seller just pays a flat fee whether it's sold or not; and sales through e-bay where they take a cut. going outside e-bay for the latter might save a few quid, but can be open to problems as you've got no come-back at all if it turns out to be a scammer.

as ever, buying from a dealer is going to cost a bit more than buying from a private seller, but comes with more chance of protection if something does go wrong and less likely to be an outright scam.

if you're after something very specific, there is likely to be a web forum for make / model owners and that will sometimes have cars being listed for sale.

i refuse to go near farcebook so can't comment on that.

depends how far you want to travel to get something. the last two times i've bought a car (i'm only on my 4th car after 30+ years of driving) i've not had a functioning car to get somewhere in, which has cut the choice of dealers (round here, quite a few are out in the arse end of nowhere because land is cheaper).
most dealers will be on auto trader, some will be on exchange and mart, some will list on gumtree or e-bay. some will be on more than one. and dealers will have their own websites. i think i found the current puddymobile on auto trader rather than going direct to dealers' websites, but i did look at a few dealers that i knew were local and had been around for a while.

and cars are bloody expensive at the moment. again depends a bit where you are - on the fringes of london, the ULEZ thing has skewed the market, so petrol cars that meet the ULEZ standards have got more expensive, petrol cars that don't (and most diesels which don't) have got cheaper. i did seriously consider whether it was worth going back to diesel and accepting the ULEZ charge when i go to visit mum-tat...
Guaranteed the car will have been thrashed

Hmmm! Not so sure about that, as far as I can remember, it's the second largest second-hand car-buying site after Autotrader. So you'll get the good together with the bad.

Last time I sold a car using it, I did get an awful lot of time-wasters and "Wot's yer best price, mate?" emails.

I fucking hate the miserable task of selling a car. :(
I fucking hate the miserable task of selling a car. :(

i have never sold a car i the sense of selling to someone who wants to use it.

first got a nominal sum in trade-in and fairly sure it would have been taken out and shot straight away (rustbucket fiesta that was running out of anything decent left to weld patches to), second was an insurance write-off after being stolen (would have been repairable if i'd had somewhere secure and under-cover to store it, but if i'd had somewhere secure and under cover it wouldn't have been nicked in the first place), third was sold as scrap as all this modern electronics bollocks on the engine was buggered.
S'up dudes.

I need to buy another car for sprog 1 - the gearbox has gone on her 2010 jazz, it's got over 100k on it and it's going to be the start of a money pit.

I've always used autotrader for my car purchases, but I'm wondering if I should be looking for at other sites to, and what they might be....

100k on a Honda is low end
Hmmm! Not so sure about that, as far as I can remember, it's the second largest second-hand car-buying site after Autotrader. So you'll get the good together with the bad.

Last time I sold a car using it, I did get an awful lot of time-wasters and "Wot's yer best price, mate?" emails.

I fucking hate the miserable task of selling a car. :(

My son sold his Skoda on Cazoo . They were excellent and quite cheap - though he lives near one of their few depots so didn’t have to pay the collection charge. They weren’t docks like ‘we buy any car’ . Would recommend based on that.

(He had his Favorite for something like three years and 20,000 miles and they paid him £300 less , or about that, than he paid for it.
Unless you're very good with cars, or know someone who is, avoid places like Facebook and gumtree. They're hotbeds of cheap cars which are cheap for a good reason, no history, abused, etc. Go through the more reliable sites, there's still risks with them, but, in my experience, the cars are less likely to be shit.
Been putting off putting my TVR up for sale for months just because the thought of the whole process gives me sleepness nights.

I kid you not, I put the registration number into WeBuyAnyCar and the quote was £1. I did laugh, but wtaf? :(
Been putting off putting my TVR up for sale for months just because the thought of the whole process gives me sleepness nights.

I kid you not, I put the registration number into WeBuyAnyCar and the quote was £1. I did laugh, but wtaf? :(
I'll give you £5. That's got to be more tempting than £1, hasn't it? (Assuming it's got appropriate V5, MoT of course)
Cars leaving the Q household have a variety of fates, my previous A6 I traded in against the Lexus and got 25% of the purchase price off, The Toyota dealer refused to take Mrs Q's Micra against the Yaris and that went to We Buy Any Old Shed. Others have been traded in, sold privately, gone for scrap or fenced through the auction. I've actually given 2 away, One to my niece who ran it for a year and half before it failed and one to my cousin whose idiot boyfriend smacked it up three weeks later causing her to dump him which resulted in my uncle buying me a pint every time he saw me for quite some time. Eldest Q sold her Ka through FB marketplace when she was about 20 or 21. She posted it for a couple of weeks and didn't get any calls so she replaced the initial photo with one of her stood next to it wearing a pair of denim shorts and a low cut t-shirt. Proving that men are very predictable creatures and women have us totally figured out she got a dozen calls within a few days all from male buyers who must have thought she was included in the price.
I’ll need to sell our car in a few months when I get my lease vehicle. First time I haven’t traded in and it gives me the fear.

WBAC are currently quoting about £800 below settlement figure but I know this can change and I’ll have made a few more payments. Is it worth using Motorway or similar and selling it to a garage? I really don’t want the hassle of selling privately.
My dealership currently don’t want it as they have loads of CRVs at the moment.

The appeal of WBAC is I can get rid the day I need to rather than either have no car or an overlap where I’m paying finance for two.
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