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Captain Marvel

I thought it was alright. . . not as focused stylistically as GOTHG or Ragnarock.
Wastes a bit of time, but could have been better. I have the feeling I will be less positive on a second viewing.
Not as bad as Ultron or that other avengers one.
I think they've done a nice job with this one. They've scrapped most the mixing and forcing characters into the thing, and returned to a basic superhero movie - with added cat comedy.
The franchise had got to a point where it was no longer worth the cinema money, more worth waiting to download a free rip, but even free being a little expensive when you consider the films were pretty rubbish. However, Deadpool and this one were glimpses of a better time when they still had their ducks in a row.
I wasn't bored but not thrilled either. Enjoyed how she slowly leveled up but found the fight scenes dull and her final transformation anti-climatic. I'd expect a fight scene featuring Just a Girl to be totally cringeworthy or amazing but it was just ok. She might aswell of been fighting Ultron clones, there was little threat and it was pointlessly dark. Found the film middle of the road, plodding, lazy in places, a lot of misfiring humour and never connected with the family shit. Fury didn't feel like either the Fury we've seen or the one described in other films. I liked how the big flashy CGI fights from the trailer took seconds and her big showdown was just a distraction even if it was poorly executed. I liked the Skrull aand thought him and the science guy could of been given more time as an amusing threat.
I wasn't bored but not thrilled either. Enjoyed how she slowly leveled up but found the fight scenes dull and her final transformation anti-climatic. I'd expect a fight scene featuring Just a Girl to be totally cringeworthy or amazing but it was just ok. She might aswell of been fighting Ultron clones, there was little threat and it was pointlessly dark. Found the film middle of the road, plodding, lazy in places, a lot of misfiring humour and never connected with the family shit. Fury didn't feel like either the Fury we've seen or the one described in other films. I liked how the big flashy CGI fights from the trailer took seconds and her big showdown was just a distraction even if it was poorly executed. I liked the Skrull aand thought him and the science guy could of been given more time as an amusing threat.

Yep ^^^ (just seen it, I like an empty cinema).

Enjoyable, but surprisingly sloppy in some of the execution: the lighting was often too dark, the action edited badly, and the songs (whilst some of my childhood faves) weren't weaved into the film like GOTG or Thor Ragnarok, so came off a little clunky.

Brie Larson is charming as fuck so the central performance was fine, but memory-loss plots inevitably cause issues because we can't see a character's real self until almost the end of the film, so she basically smirked or frowned depending on the scene early on.

Ben Mendelsohn was great (nice to see him play against type in a clever way) and Fury was good with Carol but a little too 'silly' at several points (great de-aging CGI though, barely noticed it after the first scenes, poor Phil Coulson got the shaft though, he looked weird :hmm:).

Loved the Stan Lee Mallrats gag, and the opening logo change was a nice touch.

Hope they give Larson some better character stuff to work with in the sequel (or in Endgame if there's time).

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