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Captain Marvel

Just sat down to watch this at Peckhamplex .

Reports to come

E2A: Quick review is above the marvel average. Nothing life changing but well put together with strong central performances.
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Npr podcast, who are painfully "woke", said it was notable for being a female led superhero film and they liked that Brie Larson wasn't drop dead gorgeous like, say Wonder Woman. (She'd do for me, kidder)
Aside from this they said it was fairly unmemorable
Npr podcast, who are painfully "woke", said it was notable for being a female led superhero film and they liked that Brie Larson wasn't drop dead gorgeous like, say Wonder Woman. (She'd do for me, kidder)
Aside from this they said it was fairly unmemorable
Is it painfully woke now to notice that a superhero movie stars a woman who doesn’t look like a supermodel ? There is the toxic fanboy community on the other side of that coin who get themselves into a right froth just over that.
Is it painfully woke now to notice that a superhero movie stars a woman who doesn’t look like a supermodel ? There is the toxic fanboy community on the other side of that coin who get themselves into a right froth just over that.
Nah, just giving background as they review films from the unashamedly white liberal identity politics standpoint. Its kind of their thing.
It's an interesting listen. One bloke sounds exactly like Brian from Family Guy
I've only just warmed to mcu really, after watching the films leading up to Infinity War, which I loved.
I'll probably watch this when it is streamable
Nah, just giving background as they review films from the unashamedly white liberal identity politics standpoint. Its kind of their thing.
It's an interesting listen. One bloke sounds exactly like Brian from Family Guy
I assume you mean Pop Culture Happy Hour, one of many NPR podcasts ? The reason why they come from a (white) liberal standpoint is because of the three main presenters (who no doubt are socially liberal) one is a woman and the other a gay man and I’d say representation in pop culture matters to them personally. They also have guest reviewers on who almost always are people if colour who run other NPR programmes and podcasts, so even the “white” is not that correct. On this podcast Captain Marvel was discussed by a gay man, a Latin-American woman and an Asian-American woman.

If you wonder why that’s “their thing”, I’m not sure you’ve been on any US forums or social media which discusses film. The pushback against more diverse representation by white, male, heterosexual MAGA nutcases is overwhelming. It’s the biggest single issue in American culture now, because white, straight males see themselves as the most discriminated against group. Apparently political correctness oppresses them because it disapproves of their sexist, racist, homophobic antics and forces women and peope if colour at them as leads in superhero and Star Wars movies ! I don’t think that’s being painfully woke, that’s genuinely necessary to address that in America when it comes to discussing films now.

On this NPR podcast Captain Marvel was discussed by a gay man, a Latin-American woman and an Asian-American woman, so you may want to check why you think such a diverse panel represents an "unashamedly white liberal" view.

Not having a go at you but while Captain Marvel is getting middling review as a movie, the real story around it is that there are hate campaigns against it by a toxic fan community of trolls who are outraged because they don’t understand why we now need two female led superhero franchises (against dozens starring men). The whole Rotten Tomatoes ratings system just got changed because of trolls systematically driving down ratings and there are being death and rape threads issued....because of a fluffy superhero movie.

Apparently The Eternals, one of MCUs upcoming movies, will feature the first gay MCU superhero, so that will be something to behold when it comes to fan reactions.
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I assume you mean Pop Culture Happy Hour, one of many NPR (basically the US version of BBC Radio 4) podcasts ? The reason why they come from a (white) liberal standpoint is because of the three main presenters (who no doubt are socially liberal) one is a woman and the other a gay man and I’d say representation in pop culture matters to them personally. They also have guest reviewers on who almost always are people if colour who run other NPR programmes and podcasts, so even the “white” is not that correct.

If you wonder why that’s “their thing”, I’m not sure you’ve been on any US forums or social media which discusses film. The pushback against more diverse representation by white, male, heterosexual MAGA nutcases is overwhelming. It’s the biggest single issue in American culture now, because white, straight males see themselves as the most discriminated against group. Apparently political correctness oppresses them because it disapproves of their sexist, racist, homophobic antics and forces women and peope if colour at them as leads in superhero and Star Wars movies ! I don’t think that’s being painfully woke, that’s genuinely neccesary to adress that in America when it comes to discussing films now.

Not having a go at you but while Captain Marvel is getting middling review as a movie, the real story around it is that there are hate campaigns against it by a toxic fan community of trolls who are outraged because they don’t understand why we now need two female led superhero franchises (against dozens starring men). The whole Rotten Tomatoes ratings system just got changed because of trolls systematically driving down ratings and there are being death and rape threads issued....because of a fluffy superhero movie.

Apoerently The Eternals, one of MCUs upcoming movies, will feature the first gay superhero, so that will be something to behold when it comes to fan reactions.
I'm not hugely into superhero films and generally try to avoid the comic book fanboys output after the shit they pulled after the orphanage fire that was BvS.
It's odd that they are so against it - cannot fathom it at all.
I'm not overly, or painfully, "woke" myself but I think every one of my favourite films over the last couple of years have been female stories; Roma, Lady Bird, Three Billboards outside ebbing Missouri, Florida Project, mother!.
I accept we need better representation in film, rather than yer posh white men dominating, but I think discriminating either positively or negatively in a film review based on it is a silly thing. At best its patronising and at worst leads to the kind of backlash Black Panther got.(check the IMDb user reviews)
Anyway back to the film in hand- Captain Marvel for me joins the superheroes I'm not massively bothered about alongside Cap America, Thor and most of the others apart from Spider man and Hulk.
I'd love to see a Domino stand alone film though, especially with Zazie Beetz
Npr podcast, who are painfully "woke", said it was notable for being a female led superhero film and they liked that Brie Larson wasn't drop dead gorgeous like, say Wonder Woman. (She'd do for me, kidder)
Aside from this they said it was fairly unmemorable
So woke they judge a movie by the perceived conventional beauty of the female lead?
I'm not hugely into superhero films and generally try to avoid the comic book fanboys output after the shit they pulled after the orphanage fire that was BvS.
It's odd that they are so against it - cannot fathom it at all.
I'm not overly, or painfully, "woke" myself but I think every one of my favourite films over the last couple of years have been female stories; Roma, Lady Bird, Three Billboards outside ebbing Missouri, Florida Project, mother!.
I accept we need better representation in film, rather than yer posh white men dominating, but I think discriminating either positively or negatively in a film review based on it is a silly thing. At best its patronising and at worst leads to the kind of backlash Black Panther got.(check the IMDb user reviews)
Anyway back to the film in hand- Captain Marvel for me joins the superheroes I'm not massively bothered about alongside Cap America, Thor and most of the others apart from Spider man and Hulk.
I'd love to see a Domino stand alone film though, especially with Zazie Beetz
On the whole I really like the MCU films, there only are about two or three which are real clunkers. They get interesting directors and writers in, artists who often tend to work in indie and more character based movies. The DCU films on the other hand so far have mostly been terrible because initially the entrusted them to Zach Snyder who I think is an awful director. They are now learning from the MCU and since Wonder Woman, which was like an OKish MCU film, they’ve started to take a similar approach.

While Black Panther got a lot of backlash, it’s also one of the most successful films ever made. It wasn’t my favourite MCU film. I liked it well enough but whatever problems I had, had nothing to do with representation. The Captain America films are among the best btw, despite the name of its protagonist they are not about mindless patriotism. In fact they investigate that in way which are quite smart.
On the whole I really like the MCU films, there only are about two or three which are real clunkers. They get interesting directors and writers in, artists who often tend to work in indie and more character based movies. The DCU films on the other hand so far have mostly been terrible because initially the entrusted them to Zach Snyder who I think is an awful director. They are now learning from the MCU and since Wonder Woman, which was like an OKish MCU film, they’ve started to take a similar approach.

While Black Panther got a lot of backlash, it’s also one of the most successful films ever made. It wasn’t my favourite MCU film. I liked it well enough but whatever problems I had, had nothing to do with representation. The Captain America films are among the best btw, despite the name of its protagonist they are not about mindless patriotism. In fact they investigate that in way which are quite smart.
I quite liked Aquaman- it was raised by the sheer bonkersness of it. As Kermode pointed out, any film with an octopus playing the bongos and people riding about on harnessed sharks is worth a watch.

I like Spider-man cos he's youth explosion.
The only superhero comics I've ever read are the original Hulk ones, and I wish they'd make a stand alone Ruffalo film. He's such an interesting character. The totally reluctant superhero.
I quite liked Aquaman- it was raised by the sheer bonkersness of it. As Kermode pointed out, any film with an octopus playing the bongos and people riding about on harnessed sharks is worth a watch.

I like Spider-man cos he's youth explosion.
The only superhero comics I've ever read are the original Hulk ones, and I wish they'd make a stand alone Ruffalo film. He's such an interesting character. The totally reluctant superhero.
Spider-man Homecoming is in my top three MCU movies, Tom Holland is fantastic and I like that everything is on a more personal scale. Michael Keaton is a great villain too Ruffalo is great too, glad they replaced Norton and would be happy to see a Hulk movie with him. Haven’t seen Aquaman yet but heard it’s fun.
So woke they judge a movie by the perceived conventional beauty of the female lead?

I haven’t seen it, but it’s very depressing that they’ve created this badass female character (incidentally casting a really attractive woman to play her, though that’s obv what you’d expect), and the focus is becomes about her looks.

Anyway, I hope I misread that, because surely we don’t want that to be the message that gets taken by young girls who see this story about this character during their formative years. That no matter what they rise up to, or deal with, that it’s their decorative value that really counts. Especially when they take this actress with movie star looks that practically no one can realistically aspire to, and decide that even that doesn’t measure up. :(
So woke they judge a movie by the perceived conventional beauty of the female lead?
They did not judge her by that. A female reviewer made the point that while Brie Larson is certainly attractive, she looks more like a real person than the women who've so far played the most high profile female superheroes in these films, like Gal Gadot or Scarlett Johansson. Larson also isn’t required to wear a costume which objectifies her. The reviewer has a point, lets not pretend that someone like Gal Gadot doesn't also get cast for her beauty to draw in the boys. It's been like you can only justify a a female superhero lead of a multi-million franchise, if she's also insanely sexy. Brie Larson however is more like a female version of Paul Rudd, certainly good looking, but not unattainably so.
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I just find comments like and a little dissonant.
You are well liked here, so everybody politely looks in the other way every time you start ejaculating images of highly sexualised, prepubescent looking cartoon girls. Lets not push it by trying to score points over what a Latin-American, feminist journalist has to say on the issue of objectifying women in regard to a comic book adaption.
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They did not judge her by that. A female reviewer made the point that while Brie Larson is certainly attractive, she looks more like a real person than the women who've so far played the most high profile female superheroes in these films, like Gal Gadot or Scarlett Johansson. Larson also isn’t required to wear a costume which objectifies her. The reviewer has a point, lets not pretend that someone like Gal Gadot doesn't also get cast for her beauty to draw in the boys. It's been like you can only justify a a female superhero lead of a multi-million franchise, if she's also insanely sexy. Brie Larson however is more like a female version of Paul Rudd, certainly good looking, but not unattainably so.

That's a good point, that Paul Rudd was more "everyman" than, say, the guy playing Thor, and bringing some of that to female lead characters is a good thing.

Some of this nonsense feels like the business over Last Jedi again. I get people being pissed off about what they did with the stuff they considered canon, but having a tizzy because of some non-white and/or non-male characters is pretty sad.
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I think I'll take my daughter to watch this one. The previews look pretty good and reviews here seem fair.
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