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Can I find out when a car we own changed ownership? Solicitors are being odd.


baseline neural therapy
A very odd request, but my partner is currently driving a car that we inherited from my Dad. It was quite old when he got it and he owned for a few years, before selling it to my to my Gran, it then went to another family member and finally he bought it back. My Dad's estate was fairly simple, but for some reason my Gran's has dragged on for years. The solicitors wants to know (and god knows why) about when it changed hands. My uncle has asked if there's anything I can do to help. I'm really struggling tbh. In the last few years of this life I had other things to worry about then why he had several second hand cars when he could barely drive. I do however want to help.

I've been googling and came across sites that offer this service. I even paid £2 for a basic check from Car Analytics. However none of the dates make any sense. For example my Dad passed in 2021, but it shows the last change of ownership happening last year. That could be when I got a new V5 for it when we moved, but I'd like to see if there's another way I can access this information free or cheaply so I can cross check it. FWIW I'd be surprised if the dam thing is even worth a grand.

Even if I take the move into account, how long it's been with the current keeper and registration dates don't tally. Or am being daft and missing something?


You could try to use a V888 form to ask the DVLA for names and dates. But you have to have a good reason, so you'll need to stress that it's for the effective administration of probate, and had been requested by solicitors.

Edit: Actually, looking at the form there's a specific section regarding probate. It looks like the executors need to submit the form (along with docs proving they are executors etc. ).
You could try to use a V888 form to ask the DVLA for names and dates. But you have to have a good reason, so you'll need to stress that it's for the effective administration of probate, and had been requested by solicitors.

Edit: Actually, looking at the form there's a specific section regarding probate. It looks like the executors need to submit the form (along with docs proving they are executors etc. ).

Sounds like a lot of hassle for a part share of a thousand quid car.
Snag with the 'date last V5C issued' thing is that will also show when one is issued for a change of address, not just for change of owner.

And I'm not entirely convinced by that stuff from car analytics.

The current V5C should show (section 2 on front page) the previous registered keeper, and when they acquired it (and the number of previous keepers, but not going in to detail) - so would that show Dad's details and a date?

and section 5 (inside front) should show when the current keeper (you?) acquired the vehicle - the date there shouldn't change if a new V5C has been issued for a change of address.

Although both can get cocked up if someone fills the wrong form in and something goes through as a change of keeper instead of a change of address.

I'm not sure from looking at a V888 form whether they can or will give details of past keepers, there's a lengthy document on that page about 'reasonable cause' for seeking this information, which I haven't tried to digest. and I'm not sure how easy it's going to be to phone DVLA and seek advice. It may be worth a try, and as Tones has said, you'd need to make it clear it's a probate thing - and if you quote the names and addresses and approximate dates you're looking for confirmation of, then that may help.

Not sure if DVLA might be more likely to respond to a letter from solicitors rather than from an individual, so that may be worth a try if DVLA don't want to give you the info.
I recently had to have contact with the DVLA and can recommend phoning them, you just have to be prepared to hold for 10-15 minutes to get through.

I didn't need to show anything (death certs, probate).

But the actual them doing stuff takes weeks. They have a backlog. But the phone people were good.
If they are intreasted in actual ownership I'm not sure the V5C is the way to go, It has "This Document is Not proof of ownership" printed across the front page. Worth checking if the solicitors would accept that before expending too much effort with dvla
Yes, "registered keeper" has nothing to do with ownership, which can only be documented by stuff like purchase receipts and payments, like any other possession. I suggest the solicitors check bank statements for payments between the parties concerned that match the car's value, although I'm not convinced that it's something they really need to be spending that much time on.
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