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Brixton's proposed £1m crowdfunded David Bowie memorial - news and opinions


I'd become a fan of hitler and facism? I'm a big fan of Bowie, and other drug addled musicians but I don't recall many, or any, of them coming out with rubbish like that.
I think you should brush up on your reading of 1970s musicians. With that much coke going around, there was no shortage of stupid things being said.
Trump renounced his 'grab them by the pussy' bullshit once the shit hit the fan. Do you think he meant his apology? Or he's still a misogynist pig?
I think you should brush up on your reading of 1970s musicians. With that much coke going around, there was no shortage of stupid things being said.

I get that you're a fan, so am I. There is absolutely no excuse for saying shit like that, drugs or no drugs. No idea why you're attempting to excuse it.
I get that you're a fan, so am I. There is absolutely no excuse for saying shit like that, drugs or no drugs. No idea why you're attempting to excuse it.
I haven't tried to 'excuse' it, I tried to contextualise it, but no matter. Not really sure that a Trump comparison is even remotely valid or relevant, but keep going.
Do you spout shit like that when you're off your face?
People spout shit here all the time, with or without drugs. Anyway, this is tiresome. If you want to forever damn Bowie for saying something incredibly stupid and provocative fifty years ago when he was completely off his box on drugs, that's your call. You must still loathe Paul Weller and The Jam too. And Eric Clapton. And etc etc etc.
I don't loathe Bowie, I said that repeatedly. Read the posts.

If, lets say, Harry from One Direction came out with stuff like that and then blamed it on the drugs would you be so 'contextualizing'?
I don't loathe Bowie, I said that repeatedly. Read the posts.

If, lets say, Harry from One Direction came out with stuff like that and then blamed it on the drugs would you be so 'contextualizing'?
So, I'm supposed to compare the words of a drug addled Bowie from fifty years ago to Trump, OJ Simpson and now Harry from One Direction? Jeez.

In case you missed it in your quest to make your Big Point, I have already said that what Bowie said was "incredibly stupid and provocative". He apologised for the comments years and years ago, and - in my opinion - given the context of his circumstances (fame, the 1970s, the endless drugs) and subsequent work and opinions expressed over the following fifty years, I'm satisfied that he is not a fascist.

However, if you want to hang on to those words and damn him as a fascist forever, that's your call.
Brixton oddity? Zac Monro unveils 'gravity defying' £1m Bowie memorial

Architects journal coverage suggests planning permission to be made next month.... I don't see how it's costing that much even with a commuted sum for maintenance, That's what happens with fancy media hyped Architects perhaps ?

They aren't the only members of the team; it seems quite a number of people have been working on it for some months, including formal involvement from Lambeth who I assume have advised planning permission would be likely to be granted. It looks to me like Zac Monro architects' main role in this has been doing the planning permission stuff.

I agree it seems very expensive.

Zac Monro are the architects for the Oval House Theatre part of the Somerleyton Rd development I believe. They also did the house bordering on Brockwell Park that was on Grand Designs.

I think I said this originally before this thread was forked out from the main Brixton thread but my comments got censored out.

Here's what it says on the crowdfunding page about all the people involved.

Screen Shot 2017-03-02 at 16.44.53.jpg Screen Shot 2017-03-02 at 16.45.06.jpg Screen Shot 2017-03-02 at 16.43.55.jpg
Indeed. So why not take a look at his 'definitive' work and statements since? Or are you stuck in some kind of 1970s timewarp where nothing can be forgiven or forgotten, even after he made a clear and ambiguous apology?

I didn't really mean to start this Bowie was a fascist thing on here (I thought it was funny that a relatively well-known local artist thought the zigzag was an SS symbol) but that "apology" is as convincing as that given by Paolo di Canio.
I didn't really mean to start this Bowie was a fascist thing on here (I thought it was funny that a relatively well-known local artist thought the zigzag was an SS symbol) but that "apology" is as convincing as that given by Paolo di Canio.
I agree very much about ditching the lightning flash logo.

Walking down there this evening there are about three new council planted trees and a more mature one.

Are we going to sanction arboricide as well as a pseudo-Nazi insignia?
Trump renounced his 'grab them by the pussy' bullshit once the shit hit the fan. Do you think he meant his apology? Or he's still a misogynist pig?

Bowie's actions with regard to supporting stuff in Brixton stand both before and after his outburst, so do you think he meant his apology more than Trump did? I do.

"By their deeds shall ye know them" seems apposite.
I didn't really mean to start this Bowie was a fascist thing on here (I thought it was funny that a relatively well-known local artist thought the zigzag was an SS symbol) but that "apology" is as convincing as that given by Paolo di Canio.

Di Canio had a long history of similar utterances/crowd-pleasing back in Italy. I'm not sure that the same can be said of Bowie.
My worst bugbear about the logo is that they're calling it the "ziggyzag" which I get the logic of, but is horrible and childish and twee-sounding.
Yes - it's just terribly silly isn't. Direct from the Rock and Roll kindergarten. Truly cringesome. (I did mention something like this somewhere but mine and Teuchter's posts appear to have been edited out when the new thread was created :rolleyes:.)
For the record (seeing as it's been pointed out to me by another poster). No posts have been edited or removed. However, some posts failed to be transferred to this new thread on account of the posters in question being placed on ignore, on account of their behaviour.

So they've only got themselves to blame. They can of course ask another mod to move them. I certainly can't be arsed right now.
My worst bugbear about the logo is that they're calling it the "ziggyzag" which I get the logic of, but is horrible and childish and twee-sounding.
My worst bugbear is that it's huge and ugly, and not very creative, and doesn't honour the fact that Bowie continued to produce successful, meaningful and contemporary work until his death about 40 years after Aladdin Sane. But the twee name isn't far behind
It's just moving very, very, very slowly.
Too big and grotesque a goal for anybody to feel a part of it.

The thing about crowdfunding is that you are either basically just buying something that you want or you are contributing to something that you can personally feel a part of - an experience. This is neither of those things. It's not personal enough.
It's a fugly ting innit??

Jeez, Bowie loved art, there are many more suitable media in which to immortalise him that he would love. I don't think he'd be hugely impressed with a big red zigzag on the high street. Just saying it is naff.
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