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Brixton's Kaff Bar to close in July, as landlords triple the rent

What Kaff owner did say is that the landlords were quite straight with him about not wanting to sign a longer lease at the outset. He asked, they refused, but he went ahead anyway. I think he said in his account that in retrospect that he probably should have thought harder about whether to go ahead. To me, this is the most important thing. What were the reasonable expectations at the outset when contracts were first signed.

This is it essentially. 1954 act is quite specific - unsecure tenancy returns to the landlord after the duration of the lease, they can renew if they wish, in this case they either did not want to renew or did want to renew but with a rent hike.
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Right, I've had enough of this sniping bullshit. Back this up or shut the fuck up with your groundless slurs and accusations. I tried several avenues to get a statement from the landlords. They didn't get back to me.

I know them. At no point have you tried to get in touch with them by email, phone or letter.

What other avenues did you try? Telepathy? Smoke signals?
I know them. At no point have you tried to get in touch with them by email, phone or letter.
Yes, that's correct, and that's because they seemed to have made a point of remaining anonymous. As earlier posts in this thread prove, there appears to be no publicly available details detailing who they are - no names, no addresses, no email address - nothing - so it was impossible for me to directly contact them.

However, I discovered some mutual friends and asked them to pass on my message and I was told that they were fully aware of the articles on Buzz. And under each one of them, there's a nice big comments box and a link to this thread. They chose not to respond.

Seeing as you've suddenly declared yourself to be pals with all of them and know all about their personal affairs regarding correspondence with Buzz, please be sure to once again pass on my invitation for them to present their side of the story. Lord knows they've kept quiet long enough.
I know them. At no point have you tried to get in touch with them by email, phone or letter.

What other avenues did you try? Telepathy? Smoke signals?
do they want to put their side or not? do they feel wronged as responsible community minded landlords?

they could even do it anon through you as a keen conduit to keep everything balanced?
no? wonder why...
They should be able to rouse themselves to at least put together a statement of sorts.
Also Kaff could clarify a couple of things raised on here as a result of their statement. I shouldn't think either Kaff or the landlords wants to get further involved in the hanging out of dirty laundry though. Who can blame them.
Also Kaff could clarify a couple of things raised on here as a result of their statement. I shouldn't think either Kaff or the landlords wants to get further involved in the hanging out of dirty laundry though. Who can blame them.
Franky, given that he's just lost his job and his business after four years of hard work, I don't expect Steve has much time to peruse these boards, but feel free to contact him via the Kaff email if you have anything really important to 'clarify.' I'm pretty sure he'd answer.
Also Kaff could clarify a couple of things raised on here as a result of their statement. I shouldn't think either Kaff or the landlords wants to get further involved in the hanging out of dirty laundry though. Who can blame them.
Kaff did their account, a long heart felt one
there has been none from the landlords
the landlords have got what they want as they always will
kaff and staff are probably recovering and working hard on what they can do next to survive
the landlords are most likely breathing a sigh of relief and hiding behind their money all snug with the though of oodles more to come

see the fucking difference??
You didn't fail. You just didn't try

Q: How would you know (not suspect,but know that, unless you were either one of the owners, a friend of same, or a paid shill for them?

A: You wouldn't. So, given you're so sure, do you have an interest that you'd like to admit to?

E2A: Ah, I see that you have. Now wasn't that a surprise!
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Do they have to? The lease expired and they didn't renew it, standard commercial property business.
Of course they're under no compulsion to say anything at all, but at least one individual here seems to be using that silence as a means of attacking my journalistic credibility.

Mind you, rent tripling is - thankfully - not standard commercial property business. Or at least I hope it isn't.
I'd be interested to hear their side. It is easy to jump to conclusions and blame the greed of the landlords, but at the moment I've seen nothing to indicate that greed is the sole driver behind the current situation.

I've read somewhere that the landlords had a failed business on the premises pre-Kaff. We've heard from the proprietor that the rent was low enough to make his start-up viable, and that he wanted a longer term but that the landlords refused; we've heard that he had misgivings about this.

Without ulterior motive, could it not simply be a case that the landlords were in dire financial straits at the time and needed a regular income, and always intended to have another go once they had sorted themselves out? Given that the market was pretty low at the time Kaff started out, Kaff would have been able to negotiate a reasonably low rent perhaps even below market rate if the landlords were desperate enough.

From the information currently in the public domain, I've seen nothing to indicate that the landlords don't simply want to have another go at running their own enterprise taking advantage of the better market conditions and the influx of monied food tourists? If this is the case then the rent increase may just be a means to force Kaff to surrender so they can regain the use of the units.

Of course on the other hand it may just be cynical greed and a desire for higher rent from a wealthier tenant, but who am I to judge...

There are two sides to every story and I'd like to hear theirs before forming an opinion.
There are two sides to every story and I'd like to hear theirs before forming an opinion.

I'd like to hear theirs too, but aside from their shill (who's spent their time pooh-poohing any attempts to communicate with the landlords, and fuck-all else), there's no-one presenting their story, and even what alcopop has said, has had no informational value.
Kaff did their account, a long heart felt one
there has been none from the landlords
the landlords have got what they want as they always will
kaff and staff are probably recovering and working hard on what they can do next to survive
the landlords are most likely breathing a sigh of relief and hiding behind their money all snug with the though of oodles more to come

see the fucking difference??
Simplistic tosh
Knowing the driver for the landlords' motivations doesn't help the staff that have lost their jobs. The landlords have put their own individual concerns before that of a business employing staff and the staff have lost their jobs as a result.

I'm (unfortunately) sure that some posters will believe that property rights must always take precedence over such quotidian concerns as employment.
Knowing the driver for the landlords' motivations doesn't help the staff that have lost their jobs. The landlords have put their own individual concerns before that of a business employing staff and the staff have lost their jobs as a result.

This particular set of staff at this particular enterprise, yes. But if the landlords set up an equivalent enterprise then there will be other employment opportunities and depending on the enterprise then maybe the current staff could even find employment there.
This particular set of staff at this particular enterprise, yes. But if the landlords set up an equivalent enterprise then there will be other employment opportunities and depending on the enterprise then maybe the current staff could even find employment there.
What on earth makes you think any of the former Kaff staff would want to work in the landlord's new business?
What on earth makes you think any of the former Kaff staff would want to work in the landlord's new business?

i didn't say they would. I was responding to a post about loss of employment due to the landlords' actions. At the moment we don't know their plans, so we can't make assumptions about the future use.

I gather from the DietCokeGirl post above that we're expecting a statement from the landlords tomorrow. I'll be interested to hear their side and hopefully also some indication of their future plans.
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