moyeen said:Can anyone recommend a painter/decorator please? We need to get the outside of our house and one of rooms painted. We live off Brixton Hill - any good local firms that anyone can recommend?
thanks in advance for your help
shakespearegirl said:I am also looking for a plumber to unblock a sink. Any suggestions?
shakespearegirl said:I am also looking for a plumber to unblock a sink. Any suggestions?
shakespearegirl said:I have put every kind of toxic sink unblocker down there and it doesn't seem to be working.
don't think I am game to try it myself, I can just visualise flooding downstairs flat. My DIY skills leave a lot to be desired and the sink is fitted quite awkwardly.
I will give David a try, thanks for the suggestion
gaijingirl said:We had exactly the same problem. I bought all kinds of bleach and Mr Muscle type stuff down there to no avail. In the end it just meant unscrewing the U-bend.. which is really very easy, you won't flood anything as long as the tap is turned off - and cleaning it out. We had lots of Ecover powder down there which had clogged it up and have since moved to liquid washing detergent.
supercity said:Hello there. I'm looking to hire/borrow an Escort van or similar (not a Transit) for a day on Saturday to pick up an armchair in Essex. Anybody know of a cheap van hire place around Brixton with small vans, or anyone got one they'd care to lend me for cash? I've got my own insurance, BTW.
shakespearegirl said:Looking for a locksmith in Loughborough Junction area. To install and service some locks. Any recommendations?
shakespearegirl said:Thanks Minnie, he sounds lovely and is very helpful.
shakespearegirl said:I think it was Gabby I spoke to, but they are sending someone else out to do the actual fitting.
rennie said:Dum dum is a locksmith! PM me and I'll give you his number.
Minnie_the_Minx said:Oi, I've already given her a number!