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Brixton Somerleyton Road development, Ovalhouse and Brixton Green - funding, proposed rents etc

Groce received his sentence on December 22: Fine of £130.

Not quite the full picture.

The defendant was fined £130.00 and ordered to pay compensation of £50.00. He also has to pay a victim surcharge of £20.00 to victim support. Costs of £400.00 to the CPS and £500.00 criminal courts charge.
Not quite the full picture.

The defendant was fined £130.00 and ordered to pay compensation of £50.00. He also has to pay a victim surcharge of £20.00 to victim support. Costs of £400.00 to the CPS and £500.00 criminal courts charge.
That is £1,100 for losing your temper. I would think he is gutted.
Looks like Michael Gove's predecessor had been mixing his Hayek with his Owell and turned the whole caboodle into a new profit centre.

I hear Gove himself thinks things have gone too far.
That is £1,100 for losing your temper. I would think he is gutted.
Looks like Michael Gove's predecessor had been mixing his Hayek with his Owell and turned the whole caboodle into a new profit centre.

I hear Gove himself thinks things have gone too far.

Yep. Like everything else, justice is being privatised.
I got sent this:
Clapham Film Unit is starting a project documenting the people who
have lived on Somerleyton Rd from 1945 to 2014. We are looking at self
organised solutions to various housing problems. We plan to train
volunteers to do oral history recordings and archive research to
contribute towards a documentary, exhibition and booklet. The project
is HLF funded and Lambeth Archives are partners in the project. Please
contact me for more details 07971 284794 or by email.
best wishes
Charlotte Bill Director and Project Manager
There seems to be a bit of confusion about this planning application:
16-22 Somerleyton Road London Lambeth SW9 8ND 15/07308/FUL Coldharbour

Mr, c/o agent United Kingdom Mr Rolfe Judd Planning Old Church Court, Claylan
Road London SW8 1NZ
Redevelopment to include demolition of existing buildings on site, provision for part 2, part 5, part 6 and part 8 storey mixe
use building to provide a residential-led, mixed use development comprising; 74 residential units, including 40% as
affordable housing, ground floor Children's Centre, Nursery and Flexible space (A1/A2/A3/B1/D1/D2) with associated
outdoor amenity and landscaping.
- Tunnel Safeguarding Line
- MDO05 - East Brixton Regeneration Arc
20 Ashmere Grove London Lambeth SW2 5UJ 15

Correspondence from Lambeth's partners would indicate that this is possibly an application nothing to do with the council's scheme for Somerleyton Road - in other words a "spoiler" designed to maximise the compensation payable on the fish cold store units, should Lambeth actually get it together to do a CPO.

Is this yet another Lambeth cock-up? Looks a bit like it to me. After all if Lambeth are proposing to give themselves planning permission for a similar development, won't they be hard put to it to turn down a virtually identical one from a private speculator??

No wonder Lambeth Council is always running out of funds.
Yucky article about Carlton Mansions development:

Future Brixton
For as long as I’ve known it, for the last 25 years, it’s kind of been a dead space. The mural’s been iconic, but slightly tucked away and, although I went inside once or twice, it wasn’t a place for big happenings on the cultural scene
Did big happenings on the cultural scene happen in his house? The Mansions were fucking home to loads of people and not a 'dead space.'
WTF: Did big happenings on the cultural scene happen in his house? The Mansions were fucking home to loads of people and not a 'dead space.'

Lots of artists lived in the Carlton Mansions. What are "big happenings on the cultural scene" ? Brixton had a big alternative scene including the squatters, artists, musicians, and those living an alternative lifestyle (which I would include the short lifers).
Less selectively quoted

although I went inside once or twice, it wasn’t a place for big happenings on the cultural scene. But it was significant for what it was – part of an alternative social and political movement. So what happens to Carlton Mansions, and that whole stretch of road, is hugely significant for Brixton.
Well, can you name any big happenings on the cultural scene which took place in Carlton Mansions?

I agree it's a bit odd to describe it as a "dead space" though.

Also I have been looking at the Zac Monro website and it's a bit chirpy for my liking.
Well, can you name any big happenings on the cultural scene which took place in Carlton Mansions?

I agree it's a bit odd to describe it as a "dead space" though.

Also I have been looking at the Zac Monro website and it's a bit chirpy for my liking.

I've not investigated all those that lived at Carlton Mansions and what they did so I don't know.

We would have to define "cultural scene" and "big happening". And are we talking locally or London wide or nation wide when we talk about a cultural scene? Was any of Brixton having a big happening on the cultural scene? in the 1980s, 1990s, 2000s?
I've not investigated all those that lived at Carlton Mansions and what they did so I don't know.

We would have to define "cultural scene" and "big happening". And are we talking locally or London wide or nation wide when we talk about a cultural scene? Was any of Brixton having a big happening on the cultural scene? in the 1980s, 1990s, 2000s?

When I hear the word culture, I reach for my gun!
I got sent this:

Clapham Film Unit is starting a project documenting the people who
have lived on Somerleyton Rd from 1945 to 2014. We are looking at self
organised solutions to various housing problems. We plan to train
volunteers to do oral history recordings and archive research to
contribute towards a documentary, exhibition and booklet. The project
is HLF funded and Lambeth Archives are partners in the project. Please
contact me for more details 07971 284794 or by email.
best wishes
Charlotte Bill Director and Project Manager

I have been talking to the Clapham Film Unit about this. Its early days so will see how it goes.

It would be good imo to record the Mansions history as one part of the history of Somerleyton road.

The Coop and my archives we got to Lambeth Archives just before we finally got kicked out have been catalogued.

Head archivist told me its important as its what archivists call complete. It goes from beginning of Coop to end. So its an example of Lambeths S/L community. Plus a lot of stuff about the Lambeth Federation of Coops and photos of other Short Life.
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Saw this on Brixton Buzz today:

Somerleyton Road site sees slight increase in number of units despite concerns from Brixton Society

Now I am confused. CH1 pointed out to me a while back that the Council did not own the whole site. I thought that the Council would be CPOing the privately owned section in order to consolidate ownership of the site and produce a scheme that was owned by the Council and managed by as yet to be decided organisation.

Now it appears a private developer is putting in plans to develop a section of the site separately with some homes for sale on private market and a % of affordable. ( As regular posters know developers are likely to come back later on to vary affordable element with a "viability" report. So any commitments to % of affordable housing and its form is to be taken with a pinch of salt.)

Seems to me that this undermines the whole scheme.

Officers say in the linked report to planning committee ( see Brixton Buzz ) that the Council scheme will require "revisions" (page 17 summary of objections). The scheme was to be 100% Council owned with all flats to be let rather than sold. Some flat at market rent and some at affordable.

The whole financial basis of the original scheme was based on Council full ownership of the site.

Also the way the Council promoted the scheme and consulted on it was that they would retain ownership of the whole site.That this would guarantee social rents on some flats and market rents with proper long term tenancies on others.

So if this scheme goes forward it how will a management body operate?

How will it affect the financial modelling the Council had been doing for the Somerleyton road project?

Why did the Council not CPO that land before going ahead with all the consultation and planning of the scheme?

Whilst, as the planning officers say, this application is in planning terms compliant it undermines what the Council were planning for the site.
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Brixton Buzz said:
The number of housing units has increased from 70 to 74. There is also an increase in ‘affordable’ units from 20 to 30.

Twenty-two units will go on sale at the market rate, with only three at social rent, and three at intermediate level – a status for housing that aims to bridge the gap between renting and owning.

I think BB has got in a bit of a muddle as this doesn't match what's in the planning meeting agenda it links to.

Here's the relevant table:

Screen Shot 2016-05-16 at 23.33.32.jpg

The figures BB quotes are for 1-bedroom dwellings. The figure for all are in the far right column -

44 units at market rate (not 22)
19 units at social rent (not 3)
11 units at intermediate level (not 3)

But it does seem true that they have changed from market rent to private sale.

Screen Shot 2016-05-16 at 23.47.37.jpg
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Saw this on Brixton Buzz today:

Somerleyton Road site sees slight increase in number of units despite concerns from Brixton Society

Now I am confused. CH1 pointed out to me a while back that the Council did not own the whole site. I thought that the Council would be CPOing the privately owned section in order to consolidate ownership of the site and produce a scheme that was owned by the Council and managed by as yet to be decided organisation.

Now it appears a private developer is putting in plans to develop a section of the site separately with some homes for sale on private market and a % of affordable. ( As regular posters know developers are likely to come back later on to vary affordable element with a "viability" report. So any commitments to % of affordable housing and its form is to be taken with a pinch of salt.)

Seems to me that this undermines the whole scheme.

Officers say in the linked report to planning committee ( see Brixton Buzz ) that the Council scheme will require "revisions" (page 17 summary of objections). The scheme was to be 100% Council owned with all flats to be let rather than sold. Some flat at market rent and some at affordable.

The whole financial basis of the original scheme was based on Council full ownership of the site.

Also the way the Council promoted the scheme and consulted on it was that they would retain ownership of the whole site.That this would guarantee social rents on some flats and market rents with proper long term tenancies on others.

So if this scheme goes forward it how will a management body operate?

How will it affect the financial modelling the Council had been doing for the Somerleyton road project?

Why did the Council not CPO that land before going ahead with all the consultation and planning of the scheme?

Whilst, as the planning officers say, this application is in planning terms compliant it undermines what the Council were planning for the site.
It looks like the council have screwed up. They move Neil Vokes onto higher things and everything slips.

Where will the residents of Fitch Court be located? Where the nursery or whatever it was?

The implications go right back up the line. Hence the objection from the Brixton Society. Though technically it may not be a valid objection.
Not sure you can refuse a planning application just because the official proposals include the site owned by the applicant and they propose to develop - UNLESS the council have at least served notice of compulsory purchase.

Of course if the compulsory purchase procedure has been started, this could be a ruse to get more compensation.

We need a mole in the regeneration department - or a FOI request possibly.
I think BB has got in a bit of a muddle as this doesn't match what's in the planning meeting agenda it links to.

Here's the relevant table:

View attachment 86954

The figures BB quotes are for 1-bedroom dwellings. The figure for all are in the far right column -

44 units at market rate (not 22)
19 units at social rent (not 3)
11 units at intermediate level (not 3)

But it does seem true that they have changed from market rent to private sale.

View attachment 86962
Who is your applicant then? Lambeth, Brixton Green, a Lambeth Partner - or the owner of the Cold Store?
The applicant is apparently "Milegate Ltd".
Yes I see that: 15/07308/FUL | Redevelopment to include demolition of existing buildings on site, provision for part 2, part 5, part 6 and part 8 storey mixed-use building to provide a residential-led, mixed use development comprising 74 residential units, including 30 (40%) as affordable housing, ground floor Nursery (Use Class D1), Retail (Use Class A1), Gym Changing facilities (Use Class D2) and Flexible spaces (A1/A2/B1/D1) with associated outdoor amenity and landscaping. | 16-22 Somerleyton Road London Lambeth SW9 8ND

This does not appear to be part of the Lambeth overal scheme as repeatedly consulted on. I suppose it is possible that Lambeth decided to co-operate with the site owner and get them to build what the council would like - without going down the CPO route.

Very odd. I think that for all the consultations things are going on behind the the scenes.

I couldn't get the reports pack for Town Planning committee - is it recommended for approval?
Gramsci - how will it affect the financial modelling?

It will considerably reduce the borrowing required.
However it may also reduce the income to be expected from rent.

All in all it reduces the financial risk to the council.
It looks like the council have screwed up. They move Neil Vokes onto higher things and everything slips.

Given what "Blusher" Vokes has been up to recently -including going bright red every time he dissembled at the scrutiny committee last Monday - I'd contend that he may have been promoted, but has actually gone onto "lower things".
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