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Brixton news, rumours and general chat: Summer - Autumn 2018

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So your post 1736 wasnt to be taken literally.

Your now saying Barcelona is being torn apart by tourism.

And Venice has to many.

So tourism isn't simple straightforward good thing.

Interesting article here.

'Tourists go home, refugees welcome': why Barcelona chose migrants over visitors

Barcelona welcomes refugees not tourists.

Like Brixton people feel they are being pushed out by rising prices/ rents.

Like Brixton a lot of people like living with people from other countries/ cultures.

Its why I like living in Loughborough Junction now. Its still multicultural as its cheaper than Brixton.

Btw the article ends with several other European cities who aren't happy with effects of tourism. So its not just a couple of cities.
As I said in my previous post, the problems in Barcelona are being caused by the change of use of extremely high numbers of flats from residential/ long term rent for residents to short break accommodation for tourists, not by the mere presence of tourists, which had been taking place for many decades without any problems caused to the locals, right until the advent of rBnB. And Venice is the only other significant exception, chiefly due to it actually being fairly small and unable to cope with the 5000-capacity cruise ships landing daily, which again is a relatively recent phenomenon. And even in these two scenarios the tourists themselves are only partially to blame, if at all.

For the overwhelming majority of major cities around Europe, short term tourism is not a significant problem for the locals whatsoever. In fact, the opposite of it. So no, I don't see any evidence of tourists being a bad thing for Brixton or London residents.
As I said in my previous post, the problems in Barcelona are being caused by the change of use of extremely high numbers of flats from residential/ long term rent for residents to short break accommodation for tourists, not by the mere presence of tourists, which had been taking place for many decades without any problems caused to the locals, right until the advent of rBnB.
Amsterdam cracked down on Air BnB about 2 years ago by restricting the nights you can rent for to 60 backed up with inspectors. There is a fine of €6k for a first offence.

They’ve shown issues caused by air bnb is easy to fix if the city wants to. Blaming tourists is easy obvious target. It’s the wrong target though.
Amsterdam cracked down on Air BnB about 2 years ago by restricting the nights you can rent for to 60 backed up with inspectors. There is a fine of €6k for a first offence.

They’ve shown issues caused by air bnb is easy to fix if the city wants to. Blaming tourists is easy obvious target. It’s the wrong target though.
London has a 90 day limit - three months. Airbnb enforce it themselves although they can only count days booked through Airbnb.

This applies to whole home lets - not rooms.
London has a 90 day limit - three months. Airbnb enforce it themselves although they can only count days booked through Airbnb.

This applies to whole home lets - not rooms.
I didn’t know that 90 day rule in London.

They are about to bring in something similar in Ireland but they’ve fucking arsed about with it for years so I don’t know the actual situation right now. Again only whole home lets.
Just saw Sajid Javid outside Pop Brixton about 11.15 am.

Quite a lot of police around, but hardly maximum security.
I could have gone up to him and done a Jon Snow (Home secretary are you going to resign?) no probs.

When I came back from the Halifax there were a couple of official poppy-wearing types outside Pop. Maybe Sajid Javid was inside - though if he'd come there to discuss knife crime it would seem to be a bad choice of venue.
And more to the point suggested upthread, it seems ludicrous to me to suggest tourists on a short visit to a given neighbourhood of a city should engage with the local community for two or three hours they’re going to be there, whatever that might mean.
Good job that no one actually suggested that, then.
Just saw Sajid Javid outside Pop Brixton about 11.15 am. Quite a lot of police around, but hardly maximum security.
I could have gone up to him and done a Jon Snow (Home secretary are you going to resign?) no probs.
When I came back from the Halifax there were a couple of official poppy-wearing types outside Pop. Maybe Sajid Javid was inside - though if he'd come there to discuss knife crime it would seem to be a bad choice of venue.
So I wasn't going mad. Well not more than usual anyway.

These Press Association pictures capture the event, and the following article (in the Belfast Telgraph) seems to be the only news report so far:
Javid urges ‘more leadership all round’ to stop children being drawn into crime - BelfastTelegraph.co.uk
The Village is teeming with DJs! Not very busy though and I can't say it's my idea of a night out.

Not sure if the millionaire socialite was in residence to oversee his empire tonight. Anyone met him?
The catalytic converter has been stolen from our car. There’s a gang targeting Brixton/Dulwich/Norwood area apparently. They chop it out from the exhaust and sell it for recovery of the platinum & rhodium it contains. Guy with the pickup truck said he’d picked up a dozen vehicles in this area in the last fortnight.

Should be covered on insurance but a bit of a pain. There’s not much you can do to stop it.
The catalytic converter has been stolen from our car. There’s a gang targeting Brixton/Dulwich/Norwood area apparently. They chop it out from the exhaust and sell it for recovery of the platinum & rhodium it contains. Guy with the pickup truck said he’d picked up a dozen vehicles in this area in the last fortnight.

Should be covered on insurance but a bit of a pain. There’s not much you can do to stop it.
That is very annoying.

Do all cars have them?
Barcelona is being torn apart by tourism but almost all of the problems are being caused by the explosion of rBnB apartments that have changed the fabric of many neighbourhoods by displacing locals and pushi

Tourism per se, so long as it does not reach the uncontrolled excess numbers seen in Venice, is for the most part largely beneficial to many cities. The traditional hotel-based short.break tourism big cities like London receive every year is a vital s. And more to the point suggested upthread, it seems ludicrous to me to suggest tourists on a short visit to a given neighbourhood of a city should engage with the local community for two or three hours they’re going to be there, whatever that might mean. Never mind the issue of what exactly the tourists could do in such short period of time to achieve it.
That is very annoying.

Do all cars have them?
if they use leaded petrol then they won’t have them.
According to the Belfast Telegraph they were meeting a group called "Divert" working with youth. Maybe they thought Pop Brixton a more "neutral" venue than Brixton Police Station?

Just my suggestion. There is a website for Divert. Not sure it will reassure you though. Milestone Foundation - Divert

I thought this was to visit group dealing with helping young people turn away from knives and gang culture. The example on front page of website is someone who committed petty offence as they could not afford their rent.

Then "helped" to work on building site which they weren't keen on.

As if having a job will solve everything.
So I wasn't going mad. Well not more than usual anyway.

These Press Association pictures capture the event, and the following article (in the Belfast Telgraph) seems to be the only news report so far:
Javid urges ‘more leadership all round’ to stop children being drawn into crime - BelfastTelegraph.co.uk
View attachment 152173
View attachment 152174

Dick had glowing interview in ES recently. Not a mention of her role in killing of an innocent Brazilian. I object to her coming to multicultural area like Brixton.
Some pics from Thursday night





In photos: Thursday night out in the Prince Albert and Prince of Wales, Brixton
Dick had glowing interview in ES recently. Not a mention of her role in killing of an innocent Brazilian. I object to her coming to multicultural area like Brixton.
Wasn't she in charge here in Lambeth a few years ago? When we had a Community/Police Consultative Group I mean.
IMO there should be 2 exits from the tube. Residents and non residents. Those coming through the non-residents channel “for the food/booze/craic” with no intention of making a “community connection” should be marched back down the escalator and returned to where they came from.

I know this is from a few days back, but come on - what a pompous bloody comment...
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