That was really really good. General legal advice and discussion of the state of affairs for squatters and squatting in the UK.
Interesting news about the police here:
- one of the excuses the police were trying to use yesterday to stop people coming in was to "prevent a breach of the peace"
- apparently there's some kind of special command in the Met established for dealing with parties since that kid died at the rave in Croydon, and this space was on their radar before anything even happened
Unhappy news: at 10:30 this morning the police stopped and searched one of the squat crew between the space and the Tube and arrested him for "going equipped" because he had a spanner and an allen key (or something about on that grade) in his bag. The group (
House of Brag, by the way) are asking for solidarity help with that, like calling the police station to ask if he's okay - if I heard it right his name is Zak Pankhurst - or joining a gathering outside. I can't be there now but if anyone reading this wants to join I'm sure it would be appreciated.