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Brixton coronavirus: local help, resources, business closures and news


Well-Known Member
Not trying to be to alarmist. But I work in City and West End. Two companies I know have sent everyone home due to the virus. Its starting to affect business in London to the extent that large business are closing up and telling people to work from home. This is just the start imo.

Lambeth has few cases at the moment.

So Im starting thread for Brixton Forum so posters who have to "lockdown" can ask for help.
Gramsci's thread is a Brixton based one cos a lot of posters live in that area. The other is national.

Precisely. Im aware of the national threads.

As I said I don't want to be alarmist. But what Ive encountered in last week at work makes me concerned that in London and our patch it could be serious issue.

So some Brixton forum posters may need help in near future.

I can definitely drop stuff off for anyone as I cycle everywhere.

Be good if other posters can possibly say how they may be able to help.
I find this an issue of conscience.

I got some aches and pains and seriously yellow snot recently , so I gave apologies for a Brixton Society meeting - where several attendees were likely to be well above 70.

Should I be going shopping? I don't have much choice - I'm fit enough and probably not infected with Coronavirus Covid-19, but you never know.

It seems a bit odd to me that the only way you can get tested currently is to be taken ill enough to be a hospital inpatient.

The Johns Hopkins universal Covid-19 map makes alarming viewing - especially if you check it day after day

It can't be possible that UK infections are so low compared to France Spain and Germany. It must be because we aren't testing.

I haven;t been this year, but i understand that in church services - Anglican and Catholic at least - the compulsory handshake for the Peace has now been transformed into a gesture more like Namaste - Indian traditional greeting - or alternatively a gesture of arms crossed across the chest and a mutual bow.

Sounds rather charming actually.
Re Gramsci 's starter comment, this Robert Peston piece seems very alarming

Can older people in inner London survive this? We already have our quota of people being found dead after weeks or months when neighbours haven;t noticed - until they call the council because of the smell.
I want to write a general piece on Buzz about this - can folks post up any useful Brixton-related links here that might be useful for the future?
I'm thinking foodbanks, charities, any support groups on FB etc etc...
Quite a few folks with face masks about too.

Huge queue in Superdrug if anyone is thinking of going.
My supermarket off license Loco in LJ had not toilet paper today.

Was in City and West End working today. It had a lot less people in it. Lots of companies are getting people to work at home.

With a few staff in offices. Postroom staff mainly. As well as security guards.

Looks like big companies are keeping small staff at main offices with where possible home working. With stuff being sent by courier to and from main office and private addresses.
This is going to have big knock on effect on those who depend on city and west end workers. Cafes and street food business.

I have had several community meetings cancelled. Including one with the Council they cancelled . Totally understandable imo.

Face to face meetings are now not happening.
Lambeth Age UK has suspended home visits.

The CEO is issuing a statement. Plans to work directly with social services to help older/sickresidents with practical things beyond what we already do.. Some projects suspended but teams being redeployed to man the phones and do the practical stuff. Calling on all existing volunteers too plus dealing with loads of new offers of help. Working out the best way to fund raise to help the low waged./income households. I will update as I know.
The CEO is issuing a statement. Plans to work directly with social services to help older/sickresidents with practical things beyond what we already do.. Some projects suspended but teams being redeployed to man the phones and do the practical stuff. Calling on all existing volunteers too plus dealing with loads of new offers of help. Working out the best way to fund raise to help the low waged./income households. I will update as I know.
I'll post up the statement on Buzz, if you like?
It should be ready by tomorrow and I will get his say so before forwarding as I am not sure where he already plans to publish it. I think he'll like the idea though. :oldthumbsup:
It's important the info reaches as many people as possible and I think it's easier for important stuff to get lost on busy facebook pages.
Good idea for a thread.

Local WhatsApp groups are starting up too. I'm in one for Tulse Hill. It's currently at organisation stage - who can do what.
Sad times

In photos: panic buying in the supermarkets of Brixton, March 2020

In photos: panic buying in the supermarkets of Brixton, March 2020

We're seriously fucked

Isn't this a case where Brixton BID ought to step up to the plate? Especially as its rationale has been almost exclusively to advocate for the 24 hour economy.
Day Lewis pharmacy on Brixton hill seem to be running a really good service, particularly compared to the chaos of Boots down in Brixton. They didn’t have some of my prescription meds but managed to get them from streatham within a couple of hours. Are doing lots of home deliveries and from what I heard while I was waiting seem to be getting deliveries in every day
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