Normally I would stumble to bed bout 3.30 or 4am on a saturday. Tonight I got ready for bed, switched the laptop off, left it in the living room and went to bed.
They're having a party in one of the flats behind ours!
The party has quietened down now, but I have a headache and have been writing a letter and now had to get up for a wee and some paracetemol which won't work and to check in here with you minnie, and go back to bed and go to sleep to the soothing throb and nausea of a migraine.
Interestingly most of the really experienced allotment growers I know are West Indian. They've been doing sustainable food growing for decades.Sorry in advance for the longish post.
I spent yesterday afternoon at a sustainable living conference- it was a networking/ sharing best practice gig.
Among the London projects mentioned was V-ital Ingredients, a Brixton group promoting local sustainability by growing organic food in the community. Anyone know much about them? There isn't much about them on the net.
If it keeps ignorant middle class twats out of Brixton, maybe it's not all bad.
Sorry in advance for the longish post.
I spent yesterday afternoon at a sustainable living conference- it was a networking/ sharing best practice gig.
Among the London projects mentioned was V-ital Ingredients, a Brixton group promoting local sustainability by growing organic food in the community. Anyone know much about them? There isn't much about them on the net.
I ask because they were mentioned by Chris Church of London 21, but their achievements were in the most part obscured by the depressingly predictable way the group and Brixton were presented.
"Brixton isnt a place with the best reputation, the sort of place where you see groups of intimidating black men in dreadlocks on the street and you cross the road to avoid them.' Thats almost word for word.
I was mortified; it was a large room of white middle class, middle aged Surrey folk (albeit with an environmental bent) and they were nodding along. I would bet good money that not 10 people in 150 had ever been to Brixton, and yet the speaker had satisfactorily met their prejudices about the place.
Given its transport and business links, the efforts of dozens of community and residents groups, not to mention the vibrant arts and music scene- why is it still ok to use short hand about Brixton which basically means its too black, too dangerous and little of merit can be expected to come from there?
I see this short hand on news reports about Brixton all the time, I see it here too at times, but to actually see people responding positively to having their prejudices fed pissed me off.
Now that sounds ACE! If you're for real, Im going to that forward to my local LA21 group (Local Agenda 21 There was so much momentum generated this weekend that I think a site visit to Brixton would be just the additional spur to get things moving here.
Yes it was Chris Church who irritated me, he's chair of London 21 Chances are he already knows of your Transition Towns team as he seemed pretty plugged into the heart of community green initiatives in London.
He had lots of encouraging things to say about local sustainability - transport, food, capacity building, micro generation etc, but his presentation on Vital Ingredients did them no favours and had me pursed lipped and ready to heckle.
Other than that it was a pretty decent event, with a big turn out. There is a lot going on in Woking and the borough council are fully engaged as evidenced by the chief exec and the mayor attending for the entirety of the programme. Embercombe Trust in Devon turned up and were proper inspiring in their calls to activism. Sustainable Haringey stood out as well, there seems to be loads going on there.
I saw this guy this morning and he looked like this:
He was wearing gloves with a skeleton hand print on them too.
He looked quite good.
Yes it was Chris Church who irritated me, he's chair of London 21
The new speed bumps on Railton road are:
a) Largely failing to slow people down,
b) Already falling to pieces - after a mere two months of being in place.
Oh and three people were mugged / bag snatched on that underpass by Railton Road & Somerleyton Road last week.
Chinese guy who sits outside the cafe near the White Rose pub on Brixton Hill.
He was there during the mornings for over a year.
Sat there all seasons. Smiling. Drinking a hot beverage all by himself.
Where is he of late? It's sad but his disappearance concerns me.
Do you mean the White Horse?
I mentioned him ages ago, asking if anyone knew who the Chinese/Korean looking guy who wears combats is
Yeah White Horse next to Herne Bros.
That's him - combats, hat and fingerless gloves.
Always smiling.
gosh, the world works in mysterious ways Within 24 hours of saying I haven't seen or thought of Chris for a decade or more, I read this. Sad to hear some of what he said irritated you (& I do understand why) but glad he's still doing his thing...
You thinkThe new speed bumps on Railton road are:
a) Largely failing to slow people down,
b) Already falling to pieces - after a mere two months of being in place.
Any more info on this, please?...
Oh and three people were mugged / bag snatched on that underpass by Railton Road & Somerleyton Road last week.
He used to always be down in Brixton, but he's been up the Hill for a while. Maybe he's moved or just likes the Hill better
Yep - and the cowardly wankers can run off to the security of the estate in seconds. They should fit that underbridge with anti-teenage high pitched noises, CCTV galore, trapdoors and Tomahawk missiles, just to be sure.I've always assumed that underpass was dodgy - it's very quiet in there and on the Somerleyton road approach so it's ripe for the picking.
Yep - and the cowardly wankers can run off to the security of the estate in seconds. They should fit that underbridge with anti-teenage high pitched noises, CCTV galore, trapdoors and Tomahawk missiles, just to be sure.