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Brixton 2020 - your review of the year. Let's hear your highs and lows, heroes and zeroes


It's clearly been the shittiest year most of us will remember, but what's your round up for the year?

Biggest wanker has to be Taylor McWilliams, Hondo and the Brixton Project - and Lambeth Council - for approving that hideous tower.

A big up to the SaveNour campaigners and also the relentless Cressingham Gardens campaigners.

I'll think of more soon!
Healthy Living Platform & Fareshare (I think?) for running the food distribution from Brixton Rec, and Lambeth Council (I surprise myself here a bit as often not their fan in other circumstances) for supporting that intelligently.
St Matthews Football Project for supporting that as well, and all the other local hubs that were being distributed to.

Loughborough Junction Platform Cafe & Brixton Soup Kitchen.

Connecting Tulse Hill & everyone that helped them crowdfund laptops for schoolchildren during the first lockdown.

Lambeth parks department for endlessly emptying bins / litter clearing the parks, and installing portaloos.
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