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British soldier killed in Iraq, 11/03/20

Lance Corporal Brodie Gillan, 26, a reservist with A Sqn, Scottish and North Irish Yeomanry, was a Combat Medical Technician serving with the Irish Guards Battle Group on Operation SHADER. She was from Ayr in Scotland.
Why no Iran needs to get out of Iraq? I know you're not a nationalist so don't frame it in nationalist terms like idiot anti imperialists.
If these soldiers weren't there they wouldn't be dead and neither would countless Iraqis. They should get the fuck out of Iraq. Just sayin.
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And Iranian militias are the way to do it. Come on.
Are you saying that the prescence of Iranian militias gives the US/UK the right to remain in Iraq? It doesn't and there probably wouldn't be such militias there if wasn't for the interference of the US and the UK and their lackeys.
Iraq for the iraqis right? That's the basis for responding to an iranian militia attack in iraq with saying brits out. Nothing else. That is an inherently nationalist response. It's not one any anarchist should have anything to do with.
Yeah, y'see- you seem to be trying to justify the prescence of the US and UK militaries in the region and you keep strawmanning me. I therefore see no point in continuing this 'exchange'.
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