isn't it all a bit of a somewhat sterotypical mish mash of stuff to do with British insularity, suspicion of foreign ideas, protestantism, Britain's early adoption of empiricism, "science" and a somewhat materialistic world view ( The Royal Society etc ), pragmatism & scepticism in the face of what one might generalise as the more airy-fairy end of rarefied philosophy, utopian political / ideological thought that seems to go down a storm amongst gauloise puffing beret-wearing Continental types lounging around in cafes being students into their 30's
running a mile from the euro whilst all sorts of the great & the good on the continent were wittering away eulogising the golden age of prosperity and brotherhood that was about to dawn over the continent seems a fairly typical example
George Orwell probably looms in the background here aswell
“There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them.”
and he did that stuff on intellectual anti-Britishism (as opposed to the other way round )
Why don't we love our intellectuals?