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Britain's time is up

Is this a poster with multiple logins or just a random? Either way this should be fun
Last one leaving please turn out the lights...ta


How many letters, Russ?
I'll tell you what's the Matter of Britain, it's a body of Medieval literature and legendary material associated with Great Britain, and sometimes Brittany, and the legendary kings and heroes associated with it, particularly King Arthur. It was one of the three great literary cycles recalled repeatedly in medieval literature, together with the Matter of France, which concerned the legends of Charlemagne, and the Matter of Rome, which included material derived from or inspired by classical mythology.
Doesnt really have the same Sort of style
Adolf would never have got anywhere if he'd kitted the SAout with comfy fleeces from mountain warehouse.
fortunatly British fascists have the fashion sense of a pig 🤣 .

you'd think people who are fans of the Nazis would pick up the fact that they looked the part DM's and a ratty MA1 arent really going to impress the next Leni Riefenstahl:facepalm:
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