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Black & White Stripey Tops - irrational dislike

ska invita

back on the other side

I'm not judgemental about clothes at all - I really couldn't give a shit what anyone is wearing, and never judge people by their clothes.
Apart from black and white stripey tops. Which make me sneer a little. I don'y understand why. I don't know what it means. I don't know where it comes from. Theyre all over the place. Its a standard bit of clothing.
Does anyone else have a similar feeling or can say what its about?

Feeling extends to most horizontally striped tops, but especially black/blue and white ones

Strangely enough, I bought one similar to that ^ in France (where else), but wore it like 2 or 3 times in the last 3 years. It just doesn't suit me and I pulled it out of the wardrobe yesterday with a view to charity shopping it.

I'm not judgemental about clothes at all - I really couldn't give a shit what anyone is wearing, and never judge people by their clothes.
Apart from black and white stripey tops. Which make me sneer a little. I don'y understand why. I don't know what it means. I don't know where it comes from. Theyre all over the place. Its a standard bit of clothing.
Does anyone else have a similar feeling or can say what its about?

Feeling extends to most horizontally striped tops, but especially black/blue and white ones

I love stripey tops!

White trainers illicit a similar feeling in me.....I guess I associate it with uber mainstream ess, sterility, nuclear families, fitting in a box......a prescribed presence.....not that there is anything wrong with the above.....its just alien to me.
I had a black and white stripy top when I was 12. I thought it looked really good. The first time I went out in it some girls laughed at me and shouted "oi, exchange student".

I've never worn one since :(
I guess I associate it with uber mainstream ess, sterility, nuclear families, fitting in a box......a prescribed presence.....not that there is anything wrong with the above.....its just alien to me.
i,m trying to think what it is associate with them....all i can think of is sunday supplements....maybe also landfill indie bands

google image "landfill indie bands" and this is #2

also this picture of IDLES comes up

to me i could imagine chatting to any of these, but with reluctance to stripey t man :D
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