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Berlin, the unofficial diaries (a tribute to the "Orang Utan in India" diaries) ;)


'scuse me, Mrs May, can I have my country back?
The locals were warned, and some decided to give ViolentPanda an official welcome.

Not a bad turnout, considering the short notice.
it's nearly 25 years since i was there (did a week there while the wall was in the process of coming down)

hope you have a good time
Germany's Unity Day celebratory weekend - 25 years!

Just as well that I was able to raid the supermarket about half an hour after arriving and stock up, as a lot's shut today.

A lot more Turks and visible Muslims in the area, but I might just be noticing them because they've got the day off, along with almost everyone else.
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Get VP some slippers from Jünemann's Pantoffeleck.

Also if you're in any way new to Berlin rather than seasoned visitors, go and see the Reichstag/Bundestag - you need to prebook online but it's free and a really great way to get acquainted with the city layout.
Season tickets FTW. Zones AB (for use after 10am) is under 60 Euros for a month so, even if you're only staying a fortnight, it can be costeffective and save a lot of fumbling with verdammte euro coinage! :oops:
Panorama Punkt (on Potsdamer Platz) is taller, cheaper, and has equally good IMHO views as the fernsehturm, and the queues are shorter. BTW it's also disabled accessible and buggy/small child friendly. :D

Mixed feelings that, in the few years since I was last here, half day closing on Saturday has more or less been done away with. More convenient for me, but not happy about how it's probably affected shopworkers. Dussman is still worth a browse for books, music, and films. and C&A still has bugger all (apart from underwear) to fit anyone shorter than yer average German adult. More cake shops and bakeries seem to have gone under since last time too - three at least in this immediate area. :(

Whoop de feckin do, it might hit 12 degrees on Saturday, and maybe even dry up for a few hours. I packed sandals and T shirts, based on previous Octobers goddammit! Just as well I also packed one complete base layer and a couple of proper wool jumpers.

On the positive side, the Euro's pretty weak, so what we'd managed to set aside has gone noticably further this time. :)
Lecker, lecker, lecker! Alcoholfree Erdinger with the remains of 3 squares of blackbread with ham, salami, and gouda. On the ICE train and therefore not cheap, but it was needed. :)
Bauernbrot with geflugel salat (top) and rhubarb and gooseberry spread (bottom)
Currywurst & pommes, with cress as a nod in the direction of fresh fruit & veg.
There's a free tour on the weekends of the street art, you meet somewhere in the centre and a guy takes your group around kreuzeberg showing you some of the important bits of art and studios and so on
Not sure what the arrangements are in autumn, but if it's on and weather is nice I'd recommend it

Google Berlin free tour
But I think they have just got home from Berlin now.
We have, and VP really isn't able to keep up with a walking tour of any kind. Nor is walking round more than one museum etc at a very slow and interrupted pace possible for him (once in three days). But the suggestions might be useful for others. :)

It's amazing how much has changed, even in the last 5 years. There are going to be more changes, and not all of them good; a large part of Potsdamer Platz has been bought up by a Canadian company, so what'll happen there is anyone's guess. People are being priced out of even the scruffier areas (eg Moabit) within the Ring, and a recent copy of Zitty (or was it Tipp?) listed the first 50 more affordable kiezes (neighbourhoods) which people should consider moving to. The London equivalent would be a run down of places like Deptford, Anerley, Thornton Heath, and Eltham as being 'a commutable distance, don't write them off'. :(

Mauer Park is much better signposted and easier to find, last time we were there it was barely marked on any maps at all. If any of you remember the open air fleamarkets of West Berlin, it's similar to that in terms of space and layout, although I could wish that some people visiting it had taken a few lessons in walking through crowds first!
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