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Beautiful Days Festival 2009

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To be honest I thought they'd put together such a fantastic festival, it was hardly a chore to listen to them for an hour (or go sit in the bar and get pissed). Not that I had to do either of course, as I was already heading home when they were on. :)
Fucking ace time. My best Bd's out of 4 so far. A bit more fiddly dee than usual for those doubters. I laughed, fell over, laughed, fell some more and laughed :D :D :D
Great one! Clean bogs most of the time, WITH PAPER! :eek: Missed the Urbs meet-up, oh well. Loved Pronghorn (I wanted to be a Cossack, not a country dancer) and Les Truttes are a well class covers band. Couldn't sing along to them for laughing too much! Blockheads - brilliant. So glad I caught Gong too. And there was plenty of Otter Bright to go round! Such a shame the filth still feel they have to over police it... Also had a long chat with Pete Loveday - lovely man! Hopefully he'll be producing a history of festivals in the near future, if he can raise the money.

Anyways, hope to see you all next year! :cool:
Great one! Clean bogs most of the time, WITH PAPER! :eek: Missed the Urbs meet-up, oh well. Loved Pronghorn (I wanted to be a Cossack, not a country dancer) and Les Truttes are a well class covers band. Couldn't sing along to them for laughing too much! Blockheads - brilliant. So glad I caught Gong too. And there was plenty of Otter Bright to go round! Such a shame the filth still feel they have to over police it... Also had a long chat with Pete Loveday - lovely man! Hopefully he'll be producing a history of festivals in the near future, if he can raise the money.

Anyways, hope to see you all next year! :cool:
Didn't know there was an urban meet up :hmm:

Where did the filth over police?
Where did the filth over police?

They were just ALWAYS BLOODY THERE when I wanted to spark up. Was warned by other festie sorts that they were busting people for smoking spliff, so I had to stop rolling outside the camping area. That's over-policing in my book. Pete Loveday reckoned it was because of a grudge against travellers.
Where's the tinfoil hat smilie when you need it, eh? Police presence was totally unnecessary though.

I imagine it was a case of the local Council wanting police on site or licensing or something. The festival would have done fine without them and I doubt most of them really wanted to be there, especially during some of the 'anti-polis' rants from the stage.

Then again, I suppose it's a bit of overtime.

I never saw them doing anything but chatting genially to punters, and there were fewer than at quite a few festivals I've been to.
JUST got home after leaving the Wye Valley before ten this morning!!!

Other than that....

WOW!!! What an amazing amazing time! It was by far the best out of the 4 I have done.
Everything just fell in to place perfectly! Weather, travel (apart from home today), money, company, food, music, stuff, all just amazing!

Didn't see a huge amount of bands, was too busy falling asleep as BDs tends to have a bit of a narcoleptic effect on me. In a good "I'm so relaxed" kinda way.
The Wonderstuff were so great to see. Took me right back and Mr Hunts comment "don't worry, your not about to hear those terrible words, here's something from our new album" helped a lot! Danced like I was 15 again!
Hawkwind were really entertaining in a Spinal Tap kinda way.
The Levs were the total highlight for me and I cried a little on the Sunday night and I don't care what some of you thin about that :p

Was great to meet some of you for the first time and to re-meet some of you lovely people again! Little Rowan was a star!
Had a great time chatting with a group of you down by the Big top on... I think it was Saturday evening.... :hmm:
And some others by the Bimble Inn too.

Wow wow wow gush gush gush I am sure I will come and add more when I think of it.

Thank you to the Captain and B. xxxx

Oh, the toilets, so CLEAN :eek:
Festival was fantastic from start to finish for us.
Had a smooth and organised entrance to the carpark and site and just went uphill from there :)

Heh heh, it all catches up on you at once :)

We had such a good time and so no fuss or hassle anywhere, just how a festie should be.
BD is so self regulating (perhaps to the point of boredom on a long night shift) don't really see why they need all the police but the ones I saw were hardly intrusive.
Perhaps my earlier tinfoilhatishness was down to being warned not to casually skin up in the main arena. A kind woman leaned over when I was rolling and told me that there had been occasional swift busts of tokers - grabbing them and carting them off. I mean, I can understand (if not agree with) OB hanging round the Little Big Top and busting dealers, as I saw a couple of years ago, but tokers?

Anyway, a minor quibble; it's still easily my favourite festival. Such a laid-back feel. I love the attention to detail all round the site - the sculptures, the inflatable things and especially those carved benches around the fire pit. The Bimble Inn late night vegging zone is inspired too, though that hill is lethal when bladdered.

Now, howsabout Gogol Bordello again next year? Eh? The people demand more gypsy punk! Well, this people does.

F- me, my kidneys still hurt...
A kind woman leaned over when I was rolling and told me that there had been occasional swift busts of tokers - grabbing them and carting them off.
Was she wearing a tinfoil hat? :D

Seriously though... did anyone actually see this? I never saw the coppers enter the crowd in front of the main stage.
Was she wearing a tinfoil hat? :D

Seriously though... did anyone actually see this? I never saw the coppers enter the crowd in front of the main stage.

:) You might have a point there, old bean(burger). I just hate being arrested, you know what I mean? Tends to spoil my day. Hence possible skunk-induced paras.

I might cake it next year though ;)
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