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"BBC has moved beyond bias, into pure propaganda"

I love that they're suddenly mentioning the Tory election scandal the minute the polls have closed, and mentioning it like it's an exclusive and no-one would have known without the Beeb's hard-hitting investigative journalism. So obvious.

I do think that it's purely a survival mechanism to some degree, they know the Tories are desperate for a chance to shut them down. Except for Kuenssberg, obviously - she's so blatantly biased it's bordering on comical. Her obvious, salivating glee at the prospect of Corbyn getting hammered in the local elections was clear to see.
These journalists spend much of their time with politicians and each other, are in similar income brackets, send their children to the same schools and holiday in the same places. Their worldview and analysis is that of a specific class, regardless of their professed party affiliation. The intrigue, the gossip, the ambition, the back-stabbing then overshadows changes to national consensus that, from their positions, they barely register.

Still, a great deal of the BBC coverage in the past 48 hours has been ludicrously biased. I thought Kay Burley had cornered the market, but there you go. Fuck them.
With three separate IP addresses and a weird first post, the Roger Moore eyebrow is primed to accelerate into hyperspace.

a) I prefer to protect my online privacy by using a Tor browser
b) I was a bit merry. It made sense in my head at the time. I agree, it makes no sense now.

A botnet spammer?

No! But I'll give you this ... my name's not really Annie Askew.

My namesake was a radical poet condemned as a heretic and burned at the stake in 1546-ish.

I'm yet to be burned, despite my shite poetry.

Cheers, AA!!
a) I prefer to protect my online privacy by using a Tor browser
b) I was a bit merry. It made sense in my head at the time. I agree, it makes no sense now.

No! But I'll give you this ... my name's not really Annie Askew.

My namesake was a radical poet condemned as a heretic and burned at the stake in 1546-ish.

I'm yet to be burned, despite my shite poetry.

Cheers, AA!!
This a truly damning article and echoes what I've been feeling for a long time.It's shameful what's been happening at the Beeb.

The sorry facts which show the BBC has moved beyond bias, into pure propaganda | The Canary
Devil's advocate: in e.g. the case of union under-representation or the over-representation of City bankers, how much does this reflect present reality? So e.g. our economy is heavily biased towards finance therefore from a reactive GDP perspective it's not unreasonable that they appear disproportionately often to real life.

Whether that's what one wants from the service is another matter.
No! But I'll give you this ... my name's not really Annie Askew.

My namesake was a radical poet condemned as a heretic and burned at the stake in 1546-ish...

I had never even heard of her until now. :oops: Wow! Thank you for that. :) I'm quite ashamed that I had not known about her.

Also signed with relish. I'd never heard of her until she hosted the 'Question Time' with party leaders in 2015. She was so bad she was shocking. I'd need to look back through a vid of this to defend exactly why she was so bad (just incompetent as a host and unable to lead a debate IIRC) but I can't see Kuenssberg getting many defenders on here :D.

Since then I've been even more shocked by her right-wing bias.
Yet someone on a more right wing forum I used to frequent was convinced the BBC was run by a bunch of lefties. His catchphrase was "Where's the balance?" :D I'm rarely convinced by these modern day counters - bare numbers rarely tell the whole story and of course the writers pick what gets measured and how it's measured - bias in itself.
Yet someone on a more right wing forum I used to frequent was convinced the BBC was run by a bunch of lefties. His catchphrase was "Where's the balance?" :D I'm rarely convinced by these modern day counters - bare numbers rarely tell the whole story and of course the writers pick what gets measured and how it's measured - bias in itself.

This 'someone' is really you isn't it? :p
It's quite funny that in the article about Khan getting the mayorship they talk of Goldsmith's 'much-criticised campaign'. If you were to only get your news from the BBC's you'd wonder what the fuck they were on about.
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The bbc doesn't have a left or right wing bias, it has an establishment bias: Monarchist, multicultural, socially liberal (except on a few topics - drug reform and so on), and - crucially - economically liberal.

This has resulted in a lot of liberal left-wingers finding it difficult to get their heads round, as it seems to be on-board with many of their causes - and its also allowed the BBC to claim that both leftwingers and rightwingers think they're biased, so they must be doing something right.

It's bollocks though. Theyre a straight down the line establishment mouthpiece.
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