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Barbados - anybody been there?


...It was the blurst of times...
There's a possibility of free or very cheap flights somewhere in October and Barbados is one of the options.

Whilst I like beaches and rum as much as the next person, what else is there to do there for 2 weeks? Culturally speaking.

Is it full of pasty white tourists filling their fat bellies full of all inclusive cocktails?

i don't particularly care for cricket so that's not really an option either.

Should we go to Thailand instead?
There are some caves.

There is a night club which was $20 to get in with free drinks all night, on mondays women got in for free and got free drinks all night.

I was only there for a week (maybe :confused:) and spent a fair bit of it just hanging with a bajan family I knew, and a day or so being ill, and playing with the local and not so local boys. And having a rather embarassing incident involving one of them and the guy who invited me. :oops:

It is absolutely gorgeous though and temperatures pretty comfortable 75-80ish all the year round, so reasonably comfortable for walking and such.

I did get chatted up a lot, which was nice.

Um, this isn't very helpful is it? I'm sure there was more cultural stuff to do. I just don't remember.
I may have been in bed with the guy who invited me when a local may have climbed up onto the roof below my window calling my name.....
Hahaha, yeah, may have been a little embarrassing

I likes caves, walking and free drinks but also need the mix of big city, temples and other distractions.
It's where my family is from, beautiful place, there's shark fishing type stuff, submarine to go on, sailing, water sports, the Harrison's Cave, the Jacobean house to the north, lovely beaches, Oystins on a Friday night, towns to visit along the west coast. Plenty of cheap but friendly rum shacks about too...thing is two weeks sounds long but once you're out there the pace means you might spend days just laying on a beach or wandering about in Bridgetown etc, that said a lot of the reason I love it is because I have tons of family over their to visit and spend time with...do love it and can't wait to go back!
Big city? How big a big city are you expecting on a caribbean island?

That's kind of my point, hence "should we go to Thailand instead?"

Kid Eternity, thanks for the heads up - it does sound lovely but maybe without friends and family it might be a too laid back pace of life. Although, Rum shacks you say?
That's kind of my point, hence "should we go to Thailand instead?"

Kid Eternity, thanks for the heads up - it does sound lovely but maybe without friends and family it might be a too laid back pace of life. Although, Rum shacks you say?

The pace is the good thing! Trust me, you come back amused at how frantic life in London is...:D
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