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Barbados is a bit different ecologically from the main Eastern Carribean chain, being a fairly flat limestone rock rather than volcanic. Subsequently it has some great caves - Harrisons Caves - which as worth a visit.
Yeah I have been there a few times. What is also responsible for the beautifully clean water.
I was once wearing a Barbados T shirt in Tesco, Slough and a woman rushed up to me, beaming and started an enthusiastic conversation saying how pleased she was to see someone wearing Barbados themed clothing.

I’ve never been to Barbados in my life, so had to let her down gently, but my conclusion is the people there are very friendly (she was from the island).

That’s everything I know about Barbados. You’re welcome 🤘
Lol. My family is Bajan and I can attest this is true.🥰
I'm a hurricane watcher (got 'interests' in St Lucia) Looks like Barbados will just get a tickle from the edge of this one but SV&G are going to get battered. Talking about a 10' storm surge which will do some serious damage to beachside bars.
yep, the storm surge is always the bastard that people forgert
I'm a hurricane watcher (got 'interests' in St Lucia) Looks like Barbados will just get a tickle from the edge of this one but SV&G are going to get battered. Talking about a 10' storm surge which will do some serious damage to beachside bars.

Looks like Carriacou is taking the brunt of it, poor sods, but guess that’s better than the more populous Grenada to the south or St Vincent to the north.

Strongest winds ever recorded in the Grenadines, an area that doesn’t often get the hurricanes which normally hit further north.

Amazing things these hurricanes, a few years ago was booked in to St Martin when it was savaged by a storm, went to Nevis instead, just 50 miles away and not a palm-leaf out of place…
Barbados is a bit different ecologically from the main Eastern Carribean chain, being a fairly flat limestone rock rather than volcanic. Subsequently it has some great caves - Harrisons Caves - which as worth a visit.
Yes, they are great- the thing I remember the most about the island sightseeing-wise.
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